
Miller Thomson has uniquely Canadian insights on the latest legal and business trends and developments, and how they affect you and your organization.


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Displaying 131-140 of 1687

Nouvelles règles de procédures allégées pour les dossiers de 100 000 $ et moins : quoi retenir?

December 13, 2023 | Jasmin Lefebvre, Jérôme Coderre

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

En juin dernier, le législateur a mis en vigueur une série de modifications au Code de procédure civile[1] de manière à simplifier, accélérer et rendre moins onéreux les recours où l’intérêt en litige est inférieur à 100 000 $. Des changements […]


Corporations Act (Ontario) amended to remove class vote to continue share capital social clubs

December 13, 2023 | Natasha Smith, Dana Kriszenfeld

Social Impact Newsletter

As previously reported, Bill 139 proposed to amend Ontario’s Corporations Act to remove the requirement of share capital social clubs (“Social Clubs”) to obtain approval from each class of shareholders in order to effect a continuance under one of the […]


Need to know: Accessing and using your CRA “My Business Account”

December 13, 2023 | Caitlin Lee

Social Impact Newsletter

Today’s world is unquestionably moving online. This reality has changed the way Canada’s not-for-profits and charities operate. The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) has been evolving with this digital trend by providing the My Business Account secure online portal (“MyBA”). MyBA […]


Affordable and not-for-profit housing initiatives in Canada’s Housing Action Plan: A comprehensive overview

December 13, 2023 | David Tang, Noah D. Gordon, Safa Warsi

Social Impact Newsletter

On November 21, 2023, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance tabled the 2023 Fall Economic Statement (“Statement”) which outlined “Canada’s Housing Action Plan” (the “Action Plan”). The Action Plan is the Canadian government’s current roadmap for supporting and […]


Do hypothecary representatives help save time and money?

December 12, 2023 | Luc-Antoine Manneh, Nadim Elkommos

Financial Services & Restructuring Communiqué

With business transaction costs constantly rising, lenders need to leverage the most effective tools not just for a current transaction but also for any amendments, renewals or new loans involving the same borrower. In Quebec, using a hypothecary representative can, […]


Changes in Canadian practice for section 45 and opposition proceedings as of December 1, 2023

December 11, 2023 | Catherine M. Dennis Brooks, Jayme Millar

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law Alert

Significant changes to the practice notices issued by the Trademarks Opposition Board (“TMOB”) “Practice in section 45 proceedings” (the “Section 45 Practice Notice”) and “Practice in trademark opposition proceedings” (the “Practice Notice for opposition proceedings”) came into effect on December […]


The stated policy objectives of the new 2% tax on equity repurchases

December 8, 2023 | Regan A. O’Neil

Tax Notes

The Canadian government released updated draft legislation on August 4, 2023 to introduce a new 2% tax on certain equity repurchases starting January 1, 2024. In general terms, the tax applies to net repurchases[1] of Canadian public company shares in […]


Uncertainties of digital asset dispositions

December 8, 2023 | Molly Luu, Anish Kamboj

Tax Notes

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape where digital assets play a vital role in corporate, commercial, and financial spheres, the transfer of cryptocurrency as part of different transactions has become commonplace. This includes instances where digital assets are pledged as collateral […]


Regulatory overview for credit contracts under the Consumer Protection Act

December 5, 2023 | Angelo Mandeville-Sacco, Luc-Antoine Manneh, Karel Mahy-Rousseau

Financial Services & Restructuring Communiqué

In Quebec, the Consumer Protection Act (the “CPA”) governs contracts for goods or services entered into between consumers and merchants in the course of their business.[1] When it comes to loans of money or credit, lenders wishing to establish themselves in […]


Justice will be swift: Alberta’s new streamlined trial process

December 5, 2023 | Emma L. Johnston, Bronwhyn Simmons, Kira Lagadin

Commercial Litigation Communiqué

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench recently announced that as of January 1, 2024, a new streamlined trial procedure for civil and family matters will come into effect.[1] This new “streamlined trial” format has the potential to resolve actions more […]


Displaying 131-140 of 1687


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