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Valuation of Control Shares

March 21, 2010

Wealth Matters

“Control shares” of a private corporation that carry voting rights but are not entitled to receive dividends, or to receive more than a nominal amount on liquidation of the corporation, play an important role in many estate plans.  Control shares […]


Canada’s First Criminal Conviction for Illegal Insider Trading

March 21, 2010

Securities Practice Notes

Canada’s first criminal conviction for illegal insider trading occurred on November 6, 2009, when Justice Robert Bigelow of the Ontario Court of Justice accepted a guilty plea from Stan Grmovsek. Sentencing was delayed until January 7, 2010 to facilitate the […]


Cross-Border Tax: Canadian Multinationals Allowed to Double-Dip

March 1, 2010

Tax Notes

Historically, Canadian multinationals have generally been entitled to deduct interest incurred in respect of borrowed funds used to invest, directly or indirectly, in foreign affiliates. The deductibility of interest related to the financing of foreign affiliates combined with the favourable […]


Displaying 1731-1733 of 1733


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