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Displaying 481-490 of 1687

Special costs in BC estate litigation: Kolic v. Kolic, 2022 BCSC 1448

September 21, 2022 | Alexander Swabuk, Noah Robinson-Dunning

MT Estate Litigation Blog

Pursuant to the Supreme Court Civil Rules, B.C. Reg. 168/2009, costs during litigation in British Columbia are typically awarded to the successful party at trial. Costs are intended to be at least a partial indemnity for legal fees plus reimbursement […]


COVID-19 vaccines and religious freedom

September 19, 2022 | Justin Diggle

Labour and Employment Communiqué

Workplace vaccination policies adopted as health and safety measures in response to COVID-19, typically contained exemptions for medical or other grounds protected by human rights legislation. The most common “other ground” was creed or religion. In two recent awards, arbitrators […]


Key changes impacting the Courts of Alberta

September 15, 2022 | Stephen Mulrain, Helen Dick

Commercial Litigation Communiqué

The Queen’s Bench becomes the King’s Bench, the term “Master” is phased out, and other changes of note The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench issued several notices in August and September 2022, announcing important changes to civil practice in the […]


Day of Mourning for the Queen: How the September 19, 2022 federal holiday affects Canadian employers

September 14, 2022 | Arjun Gandhi

Labour and Employment Communiqué

In honour of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a holiday on Monday, September 19, 2022 for employees of the federal government. However, Trudeau’s announcement did not extend the holiday requirement to federally-regulated industries, such as […]


Trends from 2022 OSC Investment Fund Survey

September 14, 2022 | P. Jason Kroft, Simon Igelman

Structured Finance and Securitization Communiqué

On September 9, 2022, the Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) published the results of its annual Investment Fund Survey (“IFS”). The IFS gathers input from over 400 investment fund managers (“IFMs”) registered in Ontario to collect data on approximately 5,700 prospectus-qualified […]


Canadian Securities Administrators create new prospectus exemption to streamline capital raising for listed issuers

September 12, 2022 | Jonathan Tong, Ian Polisuk

Securities Practice Notes

On September 8, 2022, the Canadian Securities Administrators announced the adoption of a new prospectus exemption for reporting issuers listed on a Canadian stock exchange that wish to complete a private placement offering without the application of a four month […]


( Available in French only )

Appel d’offres : jusqu’où va le devoir du donneur d’ouvrage de vérifier la conformité d’une soumission ?

September 9, 2022 | Tania L. Pinheiro

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

Sommaire Le 22 décembre 2021, la Cour supérieure rendait jugement dans le dossier Steris Corporation c. Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Est du Québec (GACEQ)[1] dans le cadre duquel l’équipe de Miller Thomson représentait les intérêts de Steris. La Cour a […]


Annual returns due date approaching for Ontario health service providers

September 8, 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Health Communiqué

Under the Corporations Information Act (Ontario), corporations are required to file an Annual Return with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (the “Ministry”) within six (6) months of the corporation’s financial year-end to update the public record. The Annual […]


Ontario Court of Appeal weighs in on securities class actions

September 8, 2022 | Sean McGarry, Jenna D’Aurizio

Class Actions Communiqué

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently upheld the dismissal of a class action under the Ontario Securities Act (the “OSA”) secondary market disclosure provisions in Wong v Pretium Resources Inc, 2022 ONCA 549 (“Pretium”). Pretium is the first such action […]


Ontario’s Divisional Court supports the revocation of a physician’s privileges where the physician’s conduct undermined hospital policies and processes

September 7, 2022 | Lisa Spiegel

Health Communiqué

On July 18, 2022, the Divisional Court dismissed the appeal of a physician (“Dr. K”)[1]. Dr. K’s appeal was from the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) decision, which confirmed the Windsor Regional Hospital (the “Hospital”) Board of Director’s […]


Displaying 481-490 of 1687


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