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Displaying 551-560 of 1687

ONCA Fast Facts: Records and registers

May 19, 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Health Communiqué

In October 2021, Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (“ONCA”) came into force. Not-for-profit corporations in Ontario have three years to transition their governing documents to conform with ONCA. Our ONCA Fast Facts series explores what is new and different in […]


French data protection authority fines health software provider €1.5M for failing to protect personal information

May 17, 2022 | Titli Datta, David Krebs

MT Cybersecurity Blog

Cybersecurity attacks, data security, and privacy breaches are no longer confined to the technical and esoteric discussions of lawyers, IT professionals, and privacy communities but rather over the past two years have become part of “coffee row” and “water cooler” […]


( Available in French only )

Appel d’offres public : pouvoir discrétionnaire du donneur d’ouvrage en présence d’une clause de rejet automatique

May 12, 2022 | Paola Camacho

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

Dans notre infolettre du mois de janvier 2022, ma collègue Me Evelyne Morin présentait un résumé du jugement rendu dans l’affaire Entreprises QMD inc. c. Ville de Montréal[1] par la Cour d’appel, qui a confirmé la décision du juge de première instance […]


Post-COVID emigration: Don’t forget the tax!

May 12, 2022 | Carolyn S. Inglis

Tax Notes

As COVID-19 travel restrictions are lifted, individuals who are usually resident in another country but sheltered in place in Canada during the pandemic may decide to return to their countries of residence. Those individuals who are planning to leave Canada […]


Recent changes to pertinent loan or indebtedness (PLOI) elections

May 12, 2022 | Victoria Rodrigues

Tax Notes

On March 25, 2022, the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA“) issued a notice to tax professionals outlining certain changes to “pertinent loan or indebtedness” (“PLOI“) elections, including PLOI elections made in respect of cross-border shareholder loans under subsection 15(2.11) of […]


Graham Construction and Engineering Inc v Alberta (Infrastructure): Is Strict Compliance Necessary for a Claim Under the Alberta Public Works Act?

May 10, 2022 | Bronwhyn Simmons

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Western Canada

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench clarified the requirements for perfecting a claim under Alberta’s Public Works Act, RSA 2000, c P-46 (the “PWA”) in Graham Construction and Engineering Inc v Alberta (Infrastructure), 2021 ABQB 184 [Graham]. This case arose […]


Part 2: Top 6 considerations for new condominiums

May 10, 2022 | Justin McLarty

MT Condominium & Strata Brief

With the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions and immigration doors re-opening, there should be no shortage of cranes in the ground over the next few years. New condominiums have a host of issues to address within the first couple years of […]


Ontario Progressive Conservative proposed 2022 budget: Highlights of investments in healthcare

May 5, 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Health Communiqué

On April 28, 2022, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party tabled their 2022 budget. The Lieutenant Governor has dissolved the Legislature and the 2022 Provincial election has officially commenced. This means the Progressive Conservative 2022 budget will not be debated until after […]


Hey Canadian issuers, your neighbour is up to something: Disclosure of climate-related matters

May 3, 2022 | Bruno Caron, Annafaye Dunbar

Securities Practice Notes

On March 21, 2022, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) published its proposed climate-related disclosure rules – The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (PDF) (the “SEC Rules”) – which, if adopted, would require public companies and […]


Wandering children and educator culpability

May 3, 2022 | Renata Antoniuk

Morning Recess Education Law Newsletter

Educators have a responsibility to supervise children in their care and protect them from reasonably foreseeable risks. Two recent arbitration cases considered whether educators can be disciplined when a student in their care wanders away or goes off school premises […]


Displaying 551-560 of 1687


This blog sets out a variety of materials relating to the law to be used for educational and non-commercial purposes only; the author(s) of this blog do not intend the blog to be a source of legal advice. Please retain and seek the advice of a lawyer and use your own good judgement before choosing to act on any information included in the blog. If you choose to rely on the materials, you do so entirely at your own risk.