Miller Thomson Seminars

Upcoming seminars and conferences, featuring our professionals and specialty practice groups.

Your trust is the bedrock of a solid business relationship. Miller Thomson proactively earns that trust by sharing knowledge and new insights with the business community. Our industry and specialty group practitioners host seminars and conferences regularly across Canada on emerging legal and business issues.


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Displaying 111-120 of 148
Jul 9 2020
Miller Thomson logo Miller Thomson logo

Adjusting to the New Normal: Transacting & Managing Commercial Real Estate amid COVID-19

There has been much speculation as to the broader marketplace implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on commercial real estate values and transactions. This presentation will focus on key considerations relating to listing, evaluating, closing, and managing commercial real estate amid these COVID-related […]


Jul 8 2020
Miller Thomson logo Miller Thomson logo

Back to Basics – Webinar Series


Miller Thomson’s Alberta Labour and Employment group is pleased to present the first webinar in the Back to Basics Series. Join expert members of our team as they tackle common issues that typically arise when terminating employment in Alberta. Learn […]


Jun 19 2020
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Miller Thomson and The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada present: Key Tax and Trade Developments Impacting Canadian and American Businesses


The economic disruption caused by COVID19 presents unique economic challenges and evolving tax implications that impact business in both Canada and the United States.  As we emerge from the pandemic,  new provisions and policies have been put in place that […]


Jun 11 2020
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( Available in French only )

Webinaire France Québec Post COVID-19 : Quelles mesures pour soutenir les échanges Franco-Québécois ?


Miller Thomson, Fidal, BPI France et la Délégation Générale du Québec en France, vous proposent un regard croisé sur la situation en France et au Québec pendant cette crise de la COVID-19. Nos experts vous présenteront les mesures et dispositifs […]


Jun 11 2020
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Effective Estate and Tax Planning Strategies – Navigating the Next Normal.

Join our Private Client Service team as we address succession issues, asset protection, and optimizing your plan, all in the context of the current economy and evolving tax rules. Dates and topics: Thursday, June 11, 2020 Act Now: Transferring the Cottage […]


Jun 10 2020
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Coffee Talk: Health Industry Seminar Series – Privacy Hot Topics

Health system transformation and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the advancement of health integration, digital health and virtual technologies, and raise new privacy questions about how personal information is collected and shared.  This has been reflected in significant amendments to […]


Jun 10 2020
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Effective Workplace Strategies – The ‘New Normal’ Webinar Series


COVID-19 has affected all businesses in some way: whether your business was able to continue operations over the past 10 weeks, required to shut down, or somewhere in between, every business has had to adjust and react.  Miller Thomson’s Labour […]


Jun 3 2020
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Coffee Talk – Board of Directors Series – A Governance Guide for Health Service Resumption: What Directors Need to Know

In March, Ontario declared a State of Emergency due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic and locked down the Province to curtail the spread, including reducing to minimal levels all non-essential and elective health services. On May 14, 2020, the Government […]


May 27 2020
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Transportation and Logistics Webinar – Practical, Defensive Moves in Uncertain Economic Times

Miller Thomson invites you to a complimentary webinar on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. EDT, entitled “Practical, Defensive Moves in Uncertain Economic Times” Our panel will present on the challenges confronting carriers, 3PLs, brokers and freight forwarders during the […]


May 26 2020
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Navigating COVID-19: Your Questions Answered

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in significant disruption in the charitable and non-profit sector. There have also been many developments, funding and otherwise, with information changing on a regular basis. Over the past few weeks, we have delivered webinars on […]


Displaying 111-120 of 148