David Krebs

Partner | Saskatoon, Toronto


Portrait of David Krebs
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2022 Year in Review – legal updates in Canadian marketing, advertising and product compliance

2022 proved to be an interesting year in the advertising, marketing and product compliance space in Canada. From changes to labelling requirements for foods and natural health products, amendments to Canada’s Competition Act to address drip pricing, an increased focus […]


Failure to prevent a data breach not equal to invasion of privacy: Ontario Court of Appeal shuts the door on “intrusion upon seclusion” tort

The Ontario Court of Appeal has released a new trilogy of cases regarding the privacy tort “intrusion upon seclusion.” Specifically, whether the privacy tort is available as against commercial entities collecting and storing clients’ personal information, where there was a […]


A to-do list for incident response

Cybersecurity incidents and data breaches arise without notice. Your organization may have fallen victim to a cyberattack or you may have received notice from a supplier that they have been attacked. Or perhaps a key employee has lost an unencrypted […]


Tactical and strategic steps for successful cyber incident preparedness

To kick-off this year’s cyber awareness month, we wanted to present an article that would look back on the past year along with our experience counseling organizations, large and small across all sectors, through the ordeal of cyberattacks, data extortion […]


Managing cybersecurity in M&A transactions: How to mitigate risk through due diligence

As companies have become increasingly technology-driven in recent years, a target’s cybersecurity posture has become a key focal point in the diligence process. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this concern particularly acute: notwithstanding that an increasingly large number of people […]


Takeaways on privacy breach risk assessment and data security programs: Alberta Privacy Commissioner issues breach report

On July 29, 2022 the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (the “OIPC”) issued its report on data breaches (PDF) (the “Report”). Alberta has been the leading Canadian jurisdiction with the most long-standing experience when it comes to reviewing, […]


David Krebs quoted in Canadian Lawyer article on Bill C-26

Canadian Lawyer, "‘Vital systems’ cybersecurity law’ will expand information sharing, protect organizations: lawyer"

In this article, David Krebs discusses Bill C-26, a two-part piece of proposed legislation which includes the Critical Cyber Systems Protection Act, and its effects: The proposed law would take requirements which already exist for banks under the Office of […]


Bill C-26: A strengthening of Canada’s cyber security through mandatory reporting of cyber incidents

With the continuing threats posed by cyber criminals, state sponsored attacks, and other cybersecurity issues, the Canadian government has taken steps in line with those recently taken by the US government in order to protect and maintain oversight over critical […]


Federal Commissioner tables recommendations for privacy law reform

In the context of the Canadian Government’s plans to replace the current federal private sector privacy legislation in Canada – The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (the “PIPEDA“), the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (the “OPC“) has […]


French data protection authority fines health software provider €1.5M for failing to protect personal information

Cybersecurity attacks, data security, and privacy breaches are no longer confined to the technical and esoteric discussions of lawyers, IT professionals, and privacy communities but rather over the past two years have become part of “coffee row” and “water cooler” […]


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