David Krebs

Partner | Saskatoon, Toronto


Portrait of David Krebs
Displaying 41-50 of 61

Privacy Law & Data Protection

The federal Digital Charter Implementation Act was introduced for First Reading on November 17, 2020 as Bill C-11. If enacted, the new Consumer Privacy Protection Act will replace the privacy portions of the current Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), […]


The dawn of Canadian Privacy Law 2.0: The Consumer Privacy Protection Act introduced

The long-awaited overhaul of federal private sector privacy law, as outlined in our previous blog post, is finally here. The Digital Charter Implementation Act was introduced for First Reading on November 17, 2020, as Bill C-11. If enacted, the new […]


M&A and cybersecurity – top nine ways to mitigate risk through due diligence

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Iain Paterson, Chief Executive Officer at Cycura, a global team of leading cybersecurity experts headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. While the COVID-19 pandemic[1] is by no means over, increasing M&A activity and […]


40% of data breach records insufficient – Canadian Privacy Commissioner releases findings on data breach register inspections

As the Canadian Office of the Privacy Commissioner (“OPC”) signaled it would do at the end of 2019, it completed a targeted investigation of data breach registers at a select number of organizations. The OPC released has now released a […]


Tragic death of patient in German cyberattack a reminder of vital importance of cybersecurity in healthcare

On September 10, 2020, a large university hospital in Dusseldorf, Germany, experienced a major cyberattack, apparently caused by a security vulnerability of an off-the-shelf software that allowed hackers to infiltrate the hospital’s systems. The hospital treats approximately 350,000 patients per […]


David Krebs comments in IT World Canada article on data breach class action lawsuit

IT World Canada, “B.C. appeal court green-lights data breach class action lawsuit”

The article discusses a recent decision from the British Columbia Court of Appeal that upholds a lower court decision certifying a data breach class action lawsuit against a trust company: The decision caught the eye of Saskatchewan privacy lawyer David Krebs of […]


British Columbia Court of Appeal upholds certification of data breach class action 

Following in the footsteps of Jones v. Tsige from the Court of Appeal for Ontario in 2012, the recent British Columbia Court of Appeal decision in Tucci v. Peoples Trust Co. (2020 BCCA 246) appears to be solidifying the future […]


New privacy law could apply to all non-profits – Ontario government launches consultations

On August 13, 2020, the Ontario Government (the “Government”) launched consultations on establishing provincial privacy legislation for the private sector. As one of the stated goals is to expand the scope and application of private sector privacy law to non-commercial organizations such […]


Ontario government launches consultations on establishing provincial privacy regime for private sector

On August 13, 2020, the Ontario Government (the “Government”) launched consultations on establishing provincial privacy legislation for the private sector, likely including not-for-profits and charities. The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information is currently governed by federal legislation, the […]


Responding to cyber-attacks – lessons for Saskatchewan municipalities from recent data breaches

Privacy concerns are at the forefront of our increasingly digital world, with cybercrime such as ransomware, business email compromise and phishing attacks becoming a noticeable risk for organizations. It is essential for municipalities to understand their minimum responsibilities under Saskatchewan […]


Displaying 41-50 of 61