Eric Dufour

Partner | Toronto


Portrait of Eric Dufour
Displaying 11-15 of 15

Competition Bureau updates competitor collaboration guidelines

On May 6, 2021, the Competition Bureau (the “Bureau”) released its updated Competitor Collaboration Guidelines (the “Guidelines”),[1] providing refined insight into enforcement efforts under the criminal conspiracy (section 45) and civil agreement (section 90.1) provisions of the Competition Act (the “Act”). Tracing its […]


International competition law working group formed to discuss pharmaceutical merger reviews

An international working group has been formed to evaluate the approach of competition law agencies in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe relating to pharmaceutical merger reviews. The working group will consider the following issues: the effects […]


Federal government expands guidelines related to national security reviews

All foreign investments in Canada, regardless of dollar value, are subject to the national security provisions of the Investment Canada Act (the “ICA”), including greenfield investments. On March 25, 2021, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, released […]


Competition Bureau to host The Competition and Growth Summit in June 2021

The Canadian economy is on the road to recovery after experiencing significant economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including: a decline in gross domestic product: Canada (5.4%)[1] and worldwide (4.9%);[2] an increase in unemployment: Canada (4%), North America (9.2%),[3] […]


Competition Act and Investment Canada Act: New merger review thresholds in effect

Highlights The 2021 merger review thresholds under the Competition Act (“CA”) and the Investment Canada Act (“ICA”) (collectively, the “Thresholds”) are now in full effect until the next annual adjustment. The Thresholds assist in determining whether a proposed transaction triggers: […]


Displaying 11-15 of 15