Lesley Kim

Partner | Toronto


Portrait of Lesley Kim
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COVID-19 relief for resource companies: Resource issuers may rely on proposed extensions

Resource companies that have issued flow-through shares shortly before or during the global COVID-19 pandemic may have faced difficulties, including the shutdown of mines, incurring eligible resource expenses within the normal timelines required under the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the […]


Prescribed rate loans: Tax planning opportunity during uncertain times

The Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) announced the prescribed rate for the third quarter of 2020 (“Q3”) on June 22, 2020. Starting July 1, 2020, the prescribed rate is 1% (reduced from 2% in the second quarter).  The prescribed rate […]


COVID-19: A relief resource for commercial tenants and landlords across Canada

Miller Thomson LLP recognises this is an unprecedented time and we continue to be committed to the well-being and sustainability of our clients. The government and various other institutions have implemented a number of measures aimed at providing economic relief […]


Flow-through share financings for mining exploration companies

Flow-through shares provide tax incentives for investors to invest in the equity of “principal business corporations”. A “principal business corporation” for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “ITA”) includes a corporation of which the principal business is […]


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