Lisa Goodfellow

Partner | Toronto


Portrait of Lisa Goodfellow
Displaying 31-37 of 37

Key considerations when re-opening your business

In recent days, much of the conversation around the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted to the subject of re-opening various sectors of the economy and the eventual return to a “new normal”. While the precise details of this re-opening remain unscheduled […]


Workplace safety guidelines

In anticipation of reopening the provincial economy, the Ontario government has released workplace safety guidelines for employers with COVID-19 precautions, including sector-specific health and safety guidance.  The guidelines provide direction to the manufacturing, food manufacturing and processing, restaurant and food […]


The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy at your fingertips

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy calculator As previously reported, the Government is implementing the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), which will provide a 75% wage subsidy of up to $847 per employee per week, to eligible employers, for up to 12 […]


COVID-19: A relief resource for commercial tenants and landlords across Canada

Miller Thomson LLP recognises this is an unprecedented time and we continue to be committed to the well-being and sustainability of our clients. The government and various other institutions have implemented a number of measures aimed at providing economic relief […]


Statutory temporary layoffs across Canada (current to April 3, 2020)

Many of our clients are considering the use of temporary layoffs to deal with the impact of the coronavirus on their businesses. For ease of reference, we have outlined the rules under the provincial employment standards legislation across Canada, and […]


New details on Canada emergency wage subsidy – Real help for employers

The Government has announced a wage subsidy of 75% of employee wages, to reimburse employers with qualifying businesses, for up to 12 weeks, retroactive to March 15, 2020.  The following details were announced today: The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (“Subsidy”) […]


Labour & Employment Issues in the Mining Sector

Ontario has approximately 40 underground mines, with about 25,000 workers, located mostly in Northern Ontario. Minerals such as copper, nickel, gold and other precious metals, diamonds, salt and gypsum are extracted.  Ontario also has several thousand surface open pits, quarries, […]


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