Margaret Shodeinde

Associate | Toronto


Portrait of Margaret Shodeinde
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A call to action for payment service providers: Recent updates to Canada’s Retail Payment Activities Act & Regulations

The publication of final regulations (the “Regulations”) under the Retail Payment Activities Act (the “RPAA”) on November 22, 2023, signified a major advancement in the creation of the Bank of Canada’s supervisory framework for retail payments and payment service providers […]


Securitisation: Canada

Mondaq Comparative Guides

Jason Kroft and Alfred Apps, with contributions from Ahmad Adam, Ron Choudhury, Simon Igelman, Asim Iqbal, Luc-Antoine Manneh,  Shaun Parekh and Margaret Shodeinde, author the Canada chapter for Mondaq’s Securitisation Comparative Guide. The guide provides a detailed analysis and comparison […]


Music as an asset: Innovative financing of music catalogues

Interest in the securitization of music royalties rose in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as David Bowie became famous in the financing world when he struck a $55 million deal to issue the first asset securitization backed by future […]


British Columbia’s provincial bill regulating money service businesses

Money service businesses (“MSBs”) will now have greater oversight by the British Columbia Financial Services Authority (“BCFSA”). On March 29, 2023, British Columbia put forward Bill 19 – 2023 Money Services Businesses Act (“Bill 19”) which aims to regulate MSBs […]


Tapping into securitization: Oil & gas companies digging for new funding sources

Interest rate hikes and quantitative tightening are causing liquidity to shrink across several markets. In particular, oil & gas companies are hitting roadblocks trying to obtain traditional financing at attractive rates, as higher costs of borrowing are compounded with environmental, […]


Trigger rates in Canada: What does this mean for Canadian mortgagors and mortgage-backed securities?

Since March 2022, the Bank of Canada has been periodically increasing the country’s key interest rate. Seven interest rate hikes later the overnight rate is now at a staggering 4.25%, a dramatic increase from the beginning of the year. For […]


The potential blockchain revolution in asset securitization

Blockchain technology is rapidly evolving and continues to transform many aspects of the financial services industry. One such area is securitization – where blockchain can significantly enhance transaction transparency while reducing operational inefficiencies and costs in the securitization process. This […]


Displaying 1-7 of 7