Michael Gibson

Partner | Edmonton


Portrait of Michael Gibson
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Life leases in Alberta: Magic, mystery or an interest in real property?

There has been a lot of interest of late in the concept of life leases, but what is a “life lease” exactly and what are your rights as a life leaseholder? Life leases are typically explained as an arrangement that […]


Maintaining a legally unenforceable caveat on title to a condominium unit: Should this be permitted?

In the recent Alberta Court of King’s Bench decision The Owners: Condominium Plan No. 9311533 v Shui Ming Tong Foundation, the Applications Judge was asked to determine two questions: Whether a unit owner is entitled, by operation of the Limitations […]


Michael Gibson and Roberto Noce, KC, author reference on condominium law in Alberta

Condominium Law in Alberta

Thomson Reuters has released Condominium Law in Alberta, authored by Miller Thomson Condominium & Strata lawyers Michael Gibson and Roberto Noce, KC. This comprehensive reference is the only book of its kind focused on condominium laws specific to Alberta, including […]


Do property developers owe a duty of care to subsequent property buyers?

On May 25, 2022, the Alberta Court of Appeal (“the Court”) released its decision for Condominium Corporation No. 0522151 (Somerset Condominium) v JV Somerset Development Inc., 2022 ABCA 193 (“JV Somerset”). Roberto Noce, Q.C. and Michael Gibson of Miller Thomson LLP […]


Can condominium developers be liable in tort for construction deficiencies?

On May 25, 2022, the Alberta Court of Appeal released its decision for Condominium Corporation No. 0522151 (Somerset Condominium) v JV Somerset Development Inc., 2022 ABCA 193 (“JV Somerset”). Roberto Noce, Q.C. and Michael Gibson of Miller Thomson LLP acted […]


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