Tyson A. Wagner

Partner | Edmonton


Portrait of Tyson A.  Wagner
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Alberta announces new policies for future renewable energy projects

On August 3, 2023, the Government of Alberta enacted the Generation Approvals Pause Regulation, which prohibited the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) from issuing approvals for renewable energy projects between August 3, 2023 and February 29, 2024.[1] The stated purpose of […]


Hot topics in energy and energy transition: A ESG and carbon finance panel discussion Report

On November 22, 2023, Miller Thomson’s National ESG and Carbon Finance Group hosted a webinar discussing the latest legal trends and developments surrounding energy and energy transition in Canada. Hosted by Bruno Caron (Co-Chair, ESG and Carbon Finance and Partner, […]


Hydrogen: Hollywood fiction, tax facts, and what’s in it for producers

Hollywood loves science fiction and the future.  So-called “genre” films, featuring futuristic scenarios, humans with fantastic supernatural abilities, and new technologies dominate the cinemas and streaming market.  Many commentators have speculated that the enduring fascination with such productions lies in […]


Tyson Wagner and Megan Kennedy write on “Alberta’s Liability Management Framework”

Water Canada, March/April 2023

Water Canada publishes an article by Tyson Wagner and Megan Kennedy on end-of-life environmental stewardship for Alberta’s oil and gas resources: Oil and gas are well known as cornerstones of Alberta’s economy. The nature of the industry necessarily exposes the […]


Challenges in developing the hydrogen industry: More than hot air – Part 1

With more news and discussion every day on the threat of climate change and the need for society to transition from carbon-emitting fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy, most attention has been focused on the same solutions for several years: […]


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