Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 201-210 of 367

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Brittany Sud quoted in Investment Executive article on reporting rules for bare trusts

14 mars 2022 | Toronto

Investment Executive, "Expanded reporting rules for bare trusts have estate practitioners uneasy"

Brittany Sud is quoted in an Investment Executive article that delves into the federal government’s proposal to expand trust reporting rules to cover « bare trusts ». Bare trusts are also used to mitigate or plan around the relatively high estate administration […]


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Federal government announces new policy for investments with Russian ties

10 mars 2022

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry has issued a policy statement indicating that: any proposed investment by direct or indirect Russian investors, where “net benefit” clearance is required under the Investment Canada Act (the “ICA”) will […]


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International working group launched to share intelligence on potentially anticompetitive conduct impacting global and domestic supply chains

10 mars 2022

The Canadian Competition Bureau (the “Bureau”) and its Five Eyes counterparts have formed an international working group to share intelligence on potentially anticompetitive conduct impacting global and domestic supply chains in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand […]


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs de 2021

4 mars 2022

La publication « Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions » souligne l’expertise multisectorielle et les capacités multiterritoriales de Miller Thomson. Consultez les transactions conclues en 2021 :


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The emergencies are over, but many questions remain

28 février 2022 | Toronto

The Lawyer's Daily

James Manson authors an article on the issues surrounding the invocation of the Emergencies Act: On Feb. 23, 2022, Canada’s federal government revoked its declaration of a public order emergency, which had been made only nine days earlier pursuant to […]


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Changing Times: A Look at Trends Impacting Canadian Automobile Dealerships and What it Means for Insolvency Professionals

25 février 2022 | Toronto

CAIRP Rebuilding Success

Asim Iqbal co-authored an article on the trends that are impacting Canadian automobile dealerships and the implications for insolvency professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about monumental changes to how we live and work as a society, affecting every business in […]


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Hype-free Canadian tech startups may find prudence pays

22 février 2022 | Toronto

Toronto Star

Myron Mallia-Dare co-authored article on the benefits Canadian tech startups may yield by being financially prudent Last year was a landmark year for Canada’s tech scene. The sector raised a record $11.8 billion by the end December 2021, the Canadian […]


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Nora Osbaldeston comments in Law Times article on legal trends lawyers should expect in 2022

17 février 2022 | Toronto

Law Times "Miller Thomson managing partner Nora Osbaldeston on legal trends lawyers should expect in 2022"

The article discusses the legal trends and main focuses for the profession in 2022. In an interview about legal trends in the profession, business lawyer Nora Osbaldeston says managing the firm’s hybrid work environment and finding the right balance of […]


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2022 merger review thresholds

17 février 2022

Highlights The 2022 merger review thresholds under the Competition Act (the “CA”) and the Investment Canada Act (the “ICA”) (collectively, the “Thresholds”) are now in full effect until the next annual adjustment. The Thresholds assist in determining whether a proposed […]


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The importance of hyperlinks and useable materials on Caselines: recent Superior Court guidance

8 février 2022

Can failing to hyperlink motion materials result in delay or even the dismissal of a motion? Two recent Ontario Superior Court decisions, Basaraba v Bridal Image Inc., 2021 ONSC 8038 (« Basaraba« ) and Parekh et al v Schecter et al, 2022 ONSC […]


Affichage de 201-210 of 367