Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 231-240 of 367

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Capital Gains Taxation in Canada: History and Potential Reforms

15 septembre 2021 | Vancouver

Canadian Tax Foundation, Perspectives on Tax Law and Policy

January 1, 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the capital gains tax in Canada. In this article, we outline the history of capital gains taxation in Canada, describe some of the key features of the current system, and comment on potential […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with an Industry Consultant in Quantum Computing from IBM and a Standard Manager from ISARA on a recent episode of Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

10 septembre 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup,  « Quantum 2.0 Shifting to Readiness » In this episode Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Noelle Ibrahim, Industry Consultant, Quantum Computing from IBM and Philip LaFrance, Standards Manager from ISARA who take a deep-dive into some of the themes covered in […]


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Sweetening the deal: How to use warrants to get the deal done

8 septembre 2021

There has been a significant uptick in the number of startups and emerging companies using warrants to close the gap on various transactions. Startups and emerging companies may wish to issue warrants in a variety of scenarios. When offered in […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Quantexa’s Chief Product Officer and Co-founder on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

23 août 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, « Founder Series – Quantexa » On the latest episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast, Myron sat down with Alexon Bell, Chief Product Officer and Co-founder of Quantexa who recently closed its $153 million Series D round. Myron and […]


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Steven Lubczuk receives 2021 Chancellor John R. Sweeney Award

6 août 2021 | Waterloo Region

« St. Jerome’s University (SJU) is pleased to announce that Steven Lubczuk is the recipient of the 2021 Chancellor John R. Sweeney Award. The annual award is the university’s highest honour for recognition of Catholic leadership. It is given to an individual(s) who […]


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs du premier semestre de 2021

5 août 2021

Les équipes F&A/Marchés financiers de Miller Thomson sont heureuses de vous présenter certaines des transactions auxquelles elles ont participé lors du S1 2021. Ce document récemment publié met en lumière certaines des transactions les plus importantes auxquelles a participé le […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Data Sentinel Inc.’s Founder and CEO on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

28 juillet 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, "Founder Series - Data Sentinel Inc."

Myron spoke with Mark Rowan, Founder and CEO of Data Sentinel Inc., on the latest episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast. In this episode, Myron discussed Data Sentinel’s journey of developing and commercializing its trust and compliance platform that […]


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David Krebs quoted in National Magazine article on paying cyber ransoms

21 juillet 2021 | Saskatoon

National Magazine, "The price of paying cyber ransoms"

Big game hunting. That’s what the cybersecurity industry calls targeting large enterprises that cannot tolerate sustained disruptions to their networks, and who are willing to pay large sums of money to quickly see their operations quickly restored following a major […]


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Hidden contracts: A danger in charity and not-for-profit governance

16 juillet 2021 | Toronto

The Lawyer's Daily

Contracts or covenants are a central concept in many the world’s main religions, in particular the Abrahamic Covenant ones, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Today’s North American secular culture is similarly attracted to agreements as the basis for mutual activities, whether […]


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Important Decision on Family Status Discrimination

14 juillet 2021 | Waterloo Region

Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association Newsletter

In Kovintharajah v Paragon Linen & Laundry Services Inc., 2021 HRTO 98 (“Paragon Linen”) the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) provided clarity on the test for family status discrimination and awarded one of the highest ever damages awards […]


Affichage de 231-240 of 367