Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 281-290 of 367

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Paths Forward in Financially Troubled Times: A Restructuring and Insolvency Guidebook for Charities and Non-profit Organizations

15 décembre 2020 | Toronto

The Muttart Foundation

Susan Manwaring and Craig Mills are contributors to The Muttart Foundation’s Paths Forward in Financially Troubled Times: A Restructuring and Insolvency Guidebook for Charities and Non-profit Organizations. The resource sets out various options available to organizations experiencing financial hardship. Read […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 4, 2020)

14 décembre 2020

Vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter le quatrième numéro de cette publication trimestrielle sur notre site Web. Vous y trouverez des commentaires d’associés de Miller Thomson de l’ensemble du Canada, un survol des transactions réalisées au troisième trimestre ainsi que des […]


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Lisa Goodfellow quoted in SHRM article on Canada’s Supreme Court ruling for entitlement to bonus pay after wrongful dismissal

9 décembre 2020 | Toronto

SHRM, "Canada’s Supreme Court Entitles Dismissed Employees to Bonuses"

The Supreme Court of Canada unanimously ruled in October 2020 in favor of a former employee’s entitlement to bonus pay and other benefits after being forced out of the company. Lisa Goodfellow, an attorney with Miller Thomson LLP in Toronto, […]


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GST/HST relief on face masks and face shields

7 décembre 2020

On November 30, 2020, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, released Supporting Canadians and Fighting COVID-19: Fall Economic Statement 2020 (the “Economic Statement”). To support public health during the COVID?19 pandemic, the Economic Statement announced […]


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Fall Economic Statement 2020: GST/HST measures targeted at the digital economy

7 décembre 2020

On November 30, 2020, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, tabled Supporting Canadians and Fighting COVID-19: Fall Economic Statement 2020 (the “Economic Statement”). The Economic Statement announced major changes to the GST/HST regime as it […]


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André Nowakowski quoted in HR Reporter article on employment contracts and without-cause termination provisions

25 novembre 2020 | Toronto

HR Reporter, "Without-cause provisions in peril after court decision"

A recent Court of Appeal ruling in Ontario may require many employment contracts to be changed after a justice found the illegality of one clause negatively affected the entire agreement. Read the full article here (HR Reporter subscription required for […]


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Tessa Green and Cynthia Carels comment on Bill 41, the Insurance Amendment Act in Canadian Underwriter

23 novembre 2020 | Edmonton

Canadian Underwriter , "Will changes to Alberta auto reduce insurers’ claims costs?"

Proposed changes to auto insurance regulations in Alberta and new Orders in Council should help reduce claims costs for insurers, Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) told Canadian Underwriter Thursday. Bill 41, the Insurance (Enhancing Driver Affordability and Care) Amendment Act, […]


Jasmin Lefebvre interviewé par Radio-Canada sur le projet de Colisée de Trois-Rivières

17 novembre 2020 | Montréal


Jasmin Lefebvre, avocat spécialisé en droit de la construction depuis 28 ans et associé de notre bureau de Montréal, commente le projet de Colisée de Trois-Rivières lors d’une entrevue à Radio-Canada. Les contribuables trifluviens doivent-ils s’inquiéter que l’entrepreneur choisi par […]


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Audit First, Pay GST/HST Tax Refunds (Much) Later

10 novembre 2020 | Toronto, Calgary

Canadian Tax Focus, Volume 10, Number 4, November 2020

GST/HST registrants who commonly make zero-rated supplies often file a return claiming a net tax refund, relying on the prompt payment of that refund in order to finance their businesses. The minister is required to pay the refund « with all […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare leads a discussion on Quantum Computing in an episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

2 novembre 2020 | Toronto

RegTech Round-Up, "Quantum Computing 101"

Myron Mallia-Dare leads discussion on Quantum Computing and its application for regulated industries such as the financial services industry on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast. He is joined by Richard Moulds, the General Manager of Amazon […]


Affichage de 281-290 of 367