Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 291-300 of 367

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Lisa Goodfellow discusses Ontario’s Bill 128 on The Rob Snow Show

27 octobre 2020 | Toronto

1310 News Ottawa, The Rob Snow Show

Lisa Goodfellow is a guest on the October 27, 2020 edition of 1310 News Ottawa’s The Rob Snow Show to discuss Ontario’s Bill 128 which provides immunity from COVID-19 liability under certain conditions. Her segment begins at the 37:20 mark. […]


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Appeals of Charity Revocations: What Is The Proper Standard?

26 octobre 2020 | Toronto

Canadian Tax Focus, Volume 10, Number 4, November 2020

Until recently, when a charity challenged its revocation at the FCA, the charity had to prove that the CRA’s decision to revoke was unreasonable. It now appears that the charity must prove that the CRA committed a palpable and overriding […]


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No appeal of tax court decision in CanLII v. MNR

20 octobre 2020

The decision of the Tax Court of Canada in CanLII v. MNR will not be appealed by the Minister of National Revenue. The case was argued on behalf of the registrant CanLII (Canadian Legal Information Institute) by Miller Thomson partners […]


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David Krebs comments in IT World Canada article on data breach class action lawsuit

18 septembre 2020 | Saskatoon

IT World Canada, “B.C. appeal court green-lights data breach class action lawsuit”

The article discusses a recent decision from the British Columbia Court of Appeal that upholds a lower court decision certifying a data breach class action lawsuit against a trust company: The decision caught the eye of Saskatchewan privacy lawyer David Krebs of […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 3, 2020)

18 septembre 2020

Vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter le troisième numéro de cette publication trimestrielle  sur notre site Web. Vous y trouverez des commentaires d’associés de Miller Thomson de l’ensemble du Canada, un survol des transactions réalisées au second trimestre ainsi que des […]


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Legal Perspectives on a Global Pandemic: COVID-19 as a ‘Teachable Moment’ for Carriers

8 septembre 2020 | Toronto

Private Motor Carrier Magazine, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pg 31 - 33

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, private motor carriers may need to hit the reset button, learn from this experience, and look for ways to improve operational efficiency and scalability going forward. Contract terms, policies, practices and procedures should […]


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Kenneth Eccleston quoted in Lexpert article on adjudication and virtual dispute resolution

3 septembre 2020

Lexpert Special Edition: Infrastructure 2020

The article « Adjudication, virtual dispute resolution in overdrive » discusses prompt payment legislation and a new openness to virtual hearings, with Kenneth Eccleston commenting on virtual dispute resolution and other trends: In a courtroom environment, one “can never predict the length of […]


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David Tang quoted in Canadian Property Management article on CECRA program

1 septembre 2020 | Toronto

Canadian Property Management, "CECRA now closed to new applicants"

With the August 31 deadline for first-time applications for Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) now passed, the three-month program that evolved into five months of relief is closed to new recipients. Despite previous last-minute extensions — announced on June […]


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs du premier semestre de 2020

27 août 2020

Les équipes F&A/Marchés financiers de Miller Thomson sont heureuses de vous présenter certaines des transactions auxquelles elles ont participé lors du S1 2020.


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Revoking a charity’s registration: The standard of review

24 juillet 2020

Canadian Tax Focus, Volume 10, Number 3, August 2020

In Ark Angel Foundation v. Canada (National Revenue) (2019 FCA 21), the minister’s decision to revoke the charitable status of the Ark Angel Foundation was upheld, apparently on the basis that the foundation had insufficient control and oversight over the use of […]


Affichage de 291-300 of 367