Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 301-310 of 367

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Product Liability and AI: Who’s Really at Fault?

9 juillet 2020 | Toronto

Legal Business World, World Legal Summit Special Edition

The article focuses on the liability implications for artificial intelligence solutions and strategies to mitigate this risk. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are becoming ever-present in our society. We see Chat-bots deployed to communicate with clients and autonomous vehicles (AVs) utilized […]


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Chris Blom quoted in Sportsnet article on a class action lawsuit against the CHL

30 juin 2020 | Toronto

Sportsnet, "If certified, CHL class action likely years away from being resolved"

On June 18, a statement of claim was issued against the three leagues that comprise the Canadian Hockey League, the CHL itself and the 60 teams that compete under the CHL banner. The statement of claim was filed on behalf of the […]


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Why workplace diversity and inclusion matter

30 juin 2020 | Toronto

Canadian Consulting Engineer

Diversity and inclusion are more than just buzzwords; they are an important business strategy for engineering firms. Confronted with the reality that huge numbers of baby boomers are retiring, the construction industry overall is experiencing widening gaps in its workforce. BuildForce […]


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Adam Stephens quoted in Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum announcement

26 juin 2020 | Waterloo Region, Toronto

"Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum announces new Chair and Board for 2020-21"

The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum (CBHFM) is pleased to announce its 2020-21 Board of Directors, including the appointment of Jeremy Diamond, CEO of Myseum of Toronto, as Board Chair for a four year term. “Jeremy is an […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 2, 2020)

18 juin 2020

Vous pouvez maintenant consulter le deuxième numéro de l’année de cette publication trimestrielle, dans laquelle vous trouverez une entrevue avec un expert des fusions et acquisitions, un survol des transactions canadiennes au premier trimestre et des faits saillants de nos […]


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Roger Lepage quoted in Lawyer’s Daily article on landmark SCC ruling on minority language education rights

12 juin 2020 | Regina

The Lawyers Daily

Roger Lepage comments on this landmark SCC ruling, in which he was co-counsel with Peter Bergbusch and Jonathan Martin for the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones, calling the judgment « a landmark decision regarding the positive obligation of provinces and […]


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COVID-19 Efforts Shift to the Protection of Seniors and Vulnerable Persons

8 juin 2020 | Toronto

Health Management in Canadian Health Care, Volume 22 Number 3

This article, originally published in Miller Thomson’s Health Communiqué, was reproduced in the June 2020 issue of Health Management in Canadian Health Care (LexisNexis). Although the community spread of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have peaked in the province according […]


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Debra Curcio Lister quoted on the use of consumer-grade disposable gloves in the Canadian Underwriter

29 mai 2020 | Edmonton

Canadian Underwriter, “Better safe than sued: How to advise your clients on temperature screening, glove use”

Your commercial clients may expose themselves to legal risk if they don’t adhere to all government recommendations to protect clients and employees from the spread of coronavirus while re-opening, legal professionals warned. As social distancing rules loosen in various parts […]


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SCC’s approach to viral disease: COVID-19

27 mai 2020 | Waterloo Region

The Lawyers Daily

Authored by Miller Thomson’s Helen D.K. Friedman Part one of this series looked at the Supreme Court of Canada’s (SCC) approach to determining insurance coverage for infectious disease in its decision in Gibbens v. Co-operators Life Insurance Company 2009 SCC […]


COVID-19 : La Cour fédérale du Canada ordonne la reprise d’un procès à distance

25 mai 2020

Pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, l’incertitude entourant la durée de l’état d’urgence sanitaire et la reprise des activités judiciaires a forcé les tribunaux canadiens à s’adapter. La décision Rovi Guides, Inc. v. Videotron Ltd.[1] (disponible en anglais seulement) donne un exemple […]


Affichage de 301-310 of 367