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The Superior Court of Justice provides guidance on adjudication determinations and the return or reduction of security in construction lien claims

27 juin 2024 | Riccardo Del Vecchio, Michael Fazzari, Mona Soliman

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Introduction In Arad Incorporated v Rejali et al[1], the Ontario Superior Court of Justice provided insight into the interplay between, and the weight a court may afford to, an adjudicator’s determination(s) when deciding whether to reduce or return security posted […]


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Exemptions to a tribunal’s authority to determine its own jurisdiction and the scope of arbitration clauses

27 juin 2024 | Mark Alexander, Danielle M. Bouchard

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

In the recent case of Orica Canada Inc. v ARVOS GmbH [Orica], the Alberta Court of King’s Bench considered two issues which frequently arise in arbitration disputes: a tribunal’s authority to determine its own jurisdiction, often referred to as the […]


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Amendments to cannabis regulations proposed by Health Canada

27 juin 2024 | Jaclyne Reive, Jacqueline Rintjema

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

New changes to Canada’s cannabis regulations have been proposed by Health Canada and are subject to consultation and request for comments until July 8, 2024.[1] The amendments come amidst calls from industry and stakeholders to reduce the regulatory administrative burden […]


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Homeowner Protection Act, 2024: New freehold home 10 day cooling-off period

25 juin 2024 | Mario Concordia, Abby Sasitharan, Robert J. Gray

Rapport - Droit immobilier

This is a notice that the Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (the “Act”) has received Royal Assent, and is now in effect. Overview The Ontario government passed the Act on Thursday, June 6, 2024. The stated aim of the legislation is […]


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Mission impractical: Varying charitable trust purposes, impracticality, and the Boys and Girls Club decision

20 juin 2024 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

It’s a familiar story. A charity receives a gift of property. The donor requires the charity to hold the property in trust for specific charitable purposes. Years later, the charity has other pressing needs and priorities. Many of the charity’s […]


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Telugu Association of North America: A case of infringement in the non-profit world

20 juin 2024 | Hillary Linden, TEP, Alissa Ricioppo, Mahnoor Khalid

Impact Social

In a recent decision, the Federal Court dealt with a claim brought by a U.S. based non-profit, Telugu Association of North America (the “Applicant”), against a Canadian federal corporation and various individuals (collectively the “Respondents” and each a “Respondent”) for […]


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Historic advisory opinion issued by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on States’ international obligations regarding oceans and climate change

19 juin 2024 | Christie A. McLeod, Jaya Scott

Alerte environnement

On May 21, 2024, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (“ITLOS” or the “Tribunal”) issued its advisory opinion (read the opinion here) on State obligations under international law to prevent, reduce, and control pollution of the marine […]


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Advertising, marketing and trademark enforcement in the metaverse: What brand owners need to know

18 juin 2024 | David Schnurr, Jayme Millar

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

What is the Metaverse? The metaverse is a virtual world where users can interact with others, play, and purchase products through their avatars. Some of the more popular metaverse platforms available to the public include Meta, Fortnite, and Roblox, among […]


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When can a bad debt expense be claimed on a non-arm’s length debt?

13 juin 2024 | Pierce Quaghebeur, CPA, CA

Bulletin fiscal

It may not seem intuitive, but there are certain situations where it is possible for a creditor to recoup some of their lost loan from a non-arm’s length debtor in the form of a capital loss or, if the debtor […]


Ambiguïtés alléguées dans les documents d’appel d’offres : La cour d’appel tranche

11 juin 2024 | Camille Beaudry

À-Propos Juridique Construction

La présence d’une ambiguïté dans les documents d’appel d’offres dans le domaine de la construction a été au cœur d’une récente décision de la Cour d’appel du Québec[1] dans laquelle notre équipe[2] a représenté avec succès l’Agence métropolitaine de transport […]


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Les renseignements affichés sur ce blogue contiennent des points de droit variés fournis uniquement à des fins informatives et non commerciales. Ces renseignements ne constituent pas un avis juridique de la part de l’auteur. Nous mettons en garde les lecteurs de ne pas prendre de décision particulière sans avoir préalablement obtenu l’avis juridique d’un professionnel qualifié. Toute personne qui décide de prendre une décision en s’appuyant sur ces renseignements le fait à ses propres risques.