Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (ESG) et marché du carbone

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Aaron Atcheson moderates panel at Carbon Capture and Geological Storage on June 11, 2024

Aaron Atcheson is participating as a moderator of an expert panel at “Carbon Capture and Storage in Ontario” at the Albany Club in Toronto. This upcoming session brings together the first movers in Ontario utilizing Carbon Capture and Storage (“CCS”) […]


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Aaron Atcheson appears before House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (the Committee) is established by the Standing Orders of the House of Commons. Standing Order 108(2) gives committees the power “to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management […]


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Aaron Atcheson presents at University of Waterloo webinar

Aaron Atcheson is a speaker for the University of Waterloo’s webinar series on The Value of Water in Canada. His presentation covers « Water Impacts from Emerging Energy Issues: Legal Safeguards & Impediments ».


Bruno Caron présentera une allocution dans le cadre du Sommet de la finance verte et de transition

Bruno Caron sera l’un des conférenciers du Sommet de la finance verte et de transition de la Chambre de Commerce du Canada. Les panélistes discuteront des réformes qui peuvent être mises en œuvre immédiatement pour orienter l’économie vers un avenir […]


Bruno Caron participe à la conférence annuelle de l’Association canadienne des juristes en transport 2023

Le panel présentera une introduction à l’ESG, à la finance durable, aux tendances en matière d’écoblanchiment et aux principales considérations en matière de divulgation pour les entreprises de transport au Canada. Une comparaison sera faite avec les pratiques et les […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks at Osgoode’s Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law

Myron Mallia-Dare is an instructor for Osgoode’s Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law on October 19, 2023. He will be speaking on ESG considerations in corporate finance and M&A


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Jason Kroft directs the Osgoode Certificate in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law

Jason Kroft is the Program Director of the Osgoode Certificate in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law on September 21 – October 19, 2023.


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Bruno Caron speaks at FACL BC’s Advocacy Committee discussion about the impact of Climate Crisis in British Columbia

Bruno Caron speaks on the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (BC)’s panel on « The Legal Community’s Role in Addressing the Climate Crisis ». The event, featuring a panel of lawyers, academics, and community leaders, provides an informative and thought-provoking discussion on the […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare participates in the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section spring meeting

Myron Mallia-Dare participates in a panel discussion on ESG Considerations for PE Investments at the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section spring meeting on April 27-29, 2023. ESG has been a focus for public companies and their disclosure requirements for […]


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Jason Kroft and Myron Mallia-Dare speak at Osgoode Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law

Jason Kroft is Program Co-Director and Myron Mallia-Dare is an instructor for Osgoode’s Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law. The program covers how to evaluate, navigate and disclose common ESG and climate-related risks and opportunities, establish and […]


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Jason Kroft speaks at the Canadian Lawyer’s ESG Summit Canada

Jason Kroft speaks at the first-ever Canadian Lawyer’s ESG Summit Canada on October 12, 2022. The summit will explore ESG from a legal perspective and discuss how leaders can approach ESG strategically and holistically to create lasting organizational change. In […]


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Hugh Wright speaks at Osgoode Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law

Hugh Wright speaks on « Greenwashing Risks, Transparency and Accountability for Pension Funds » at The Osgoode Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law on October 6, 2022.


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Jason Kroft participates in a panel discussion at The Osgoode Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law

Jason Kroft participates in the  » ESG in the boardroom: Governance & legal aspects that counsel should advise on » panel discussion at The Osgoode Certificate Program in ESG, Climate Risk and the Law on October 13, 2022.


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