Notice of intent to impose surtaxes on certain aluminum products

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

11 août 2020 | Banreet Garcha

On August 6, 2020, President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would impose tariffs of 10% on imports of certain aluminum products from Canada (the “Tariffs”). The Tariffs will come into effect on August 16, 2020.

In response, Canada intends to impose surtaxes on imports of aluminum and aluminum-containing products originating from the U.S. proportionally. The goods subject to the countermeasures are set out in a table of aluminum countermeasures (the “Table”) that is embedded in a Department of Finance Notice dated August 7, 2020. The Table includes a variety of products, including but not limited to, aluminum foils, tubes, structures, refrigerators, washing machines, bicycles, golf clubs and articles for sports. The countermeasures will take effect by September 16, 2020 and are to remain in place until the U.S. eliminates its Tariffs against Canada.

The Department of Finance has requested written comments no later than September 6, 2020 from Canadians who may have concerns or support the countermeasures. The submissions will at minimum include the following information:

  1. Canadian company/industry association name and contact person.
  2. Relevant eight-digit tariff item(s) from the Customs Tariff and description of the goods of particular interest.
  3. Reasons for the expressed support for, or concern with, the proposed countermeasures, including detailed information substantiating any expected beneficial or adverse impact.
  4. Identify if information provided in the submissions is commercially sensitive.

All comments need to be sent to following email address:

If you have any questions about the U.S. aluminum tariffs or Canada’s countermeasures, please contact a member of our International Trade and Customs Group.

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