Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi


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Member-funded societies under the Societies Act (British Columbia): Benefits of becoming a member-funded society

18 juillet 2024 | Michelle S. Boatter, Vanessa Rosteski

Impact Social

What is a member-funded society? The Societies Act (British Columbia) (the “Act”) sets out the rules and requirements governing British Columbia societies. The Act recognizes “member-funded societies” as an alternative type of society. Member-funded societies do not receive significant funding […]


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Amendments to the Competition Act – Bill C-59 and its impact on “Greenwashing”

11 juillet 2024 | Eric Dufour, Jaclyne Reive, Devin Persaud, Tamara Gutić

Droit de la concurrence/antitrust et de l’investissement étranger

Overview On June 20, 2024, the Federal Government passed Bill C-59, known as the Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023 (the “Bill C-59”)[1], amending certain provisions set out in the Competition Act (the “Act”)[2]. The amendments to the misleading advertising provisions […]


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CSA announces new exemption for exempt-market securities dealers, enhancing access to capital markets

11 juillet 2024 | Jonathan Tong, Andrew Gunpat, Radhapriya Chawla

Alerte valeurs mobilières

On June 20, 2024, the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) introduced Coordinated Blanket Order 31-930 (the “Blanket Order”), representing a significant change aimed at enhancing capital market accessibility for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses. This initiative aligns with the CSA’s […]


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Workplace violence prevention policies and plans

10 juillet 2024 | Jeff N. Grubb, K.C., Michelle Buddecke

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Workplace violence can take many forms and the cost can be significant. For employees, it can have an emotional and financial toll. For employers, it can result in increased insurance and legal claims, high staff turnover, and property damage. Efforts […]


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CRA’s new audit initiative: Compliance strategies for cross-border motor carriers

10 juillet 2024 | Marie-Hélène Tremblay, Louis Amato-Gauci

Communiqué Transports et logistique

The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) is constantly undertaking various audit initiatives across the country. In recent years, the CRA has targeted aggressive tax planning, related parties, high-net-worth taxpayers, risk-based businesses, and many others. One such audit initiative focuses on sections 102 […]


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A new playing field: Summarizing sweeping reforms to the Canadian Competition Act

10 juillet 2024 | Eric Dufour, Devin Persaud, Jaclyne Reive

Droit de la concurrence/antitrust et de l’investissement étranger

Overview On June 20, 2024, Bill C-59, known as The Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act[1], 2023, received royal assent, enacting further amendments to Canada’s Competition Act (the “Act”).  Over the last two years, the Act has been substantially reformed through […]


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Supreme Court provides important clarification on interpretation of exclusion clauses in contracts governed by Sale of Goods Act: Earthco Soil Mixtures Inc. v. Pine Valley Enterprises Inc., 2024 SCC 20

9 juillet 2024 | Darin J. Hannaford, KC, Adrienne S. Funk, Alexander Wong

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision in Earthco Soil Mixtures Inc v Pine Valley Enterprises Inc. [1](the “Earthco Decision”) provides clarification for parties seeking to limit or contract out of statutorily implied obligations under Ontario’s Sale of Goods Act […]


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Adverse domination or 2-year limitation? Limitation periods applicable to shareholder actions to recover wrongful corporate payments

9 juillet 2024 | Stephen Mulrain, Bronwhyn Simmons

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

Shareholders of corporations, particularly private corporations, may have limited visibility on how the directors and officers conduct the business of the corporation. Due to this limited visibility, improper financial transactions by those who control the day-to-day affairs of the corporation […]


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Ontario’s top court rules on non-competition clauses when selling a business

9 juillet 2024 | Rohit Kumar, Nabiel Dawood

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

1. The Dispute The Court of Appeal for Ontario (the “ONCA”) recently provided guidance to business owners on the enforceability of restrictive covenants, such as non-competition provisions, in the context of the sale of a business. In Dr. C. Sims […]


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The Superior Court of Justice provides guidance on adjudication determinations and the return or reduction of security in construction lien claims

27 juin 2024 | Riccardo Del Vecchio, Michael Fazzari, Mona Soliman

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Introduction In Arad Incorporated v Rejali et al[1], the Ontario Superior Court of Justice provided insight into the interplay between, and the weight a court may afford to, an adjudicator’s determination(s) when deciding whether to reduce or return security posted […]


Affichage de 1-10 of 1709

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