Communiqué sur la santé

Communiqué sur la santé


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Ontario announces call for applications to license community surgical and diagnostic centres for gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy procedures

30 août 2024 | Kathryn M. Frelick, Asia Browne

Communiqué sur la santé

On August 26, 2024, the Ontario government announced a call for applications to consider new licenses under the Integrated Community Health Services Act, 2023 (formerly Bill 60) (the “Act”)  for gastrointestinal (“GI”) endoscopy procedures. This call builds on the call for […]


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Navigating lien expiry and compliance with trial-related timelines under the Builders’ Lien Act in Saskatchewan

29 août 2024 | Khurrum Awan, Titli Datta, Morgan Morin

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

The Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench decision in Singh v George Development Corp., 2023 SKKB 36, confirms that the discharge of a lien, by payment of the claim amount into court, does not negate the statutory obligation of a lien […]


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Construction insolvencies: Further guidance on construction liens and priming charges for insolvent contractors and their suppliers

29 août 2024 | Matthew Cressatti

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Introduction The Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the “Court”) recently issued a decision in Waygar Capital Inc. v Quality Rugs of Canada Limited, discussing situations where statutory liens and trusts created under Ontario’s Construction Act can be primed by lenders […]


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Secret Agent? Charities, not-for-profits, and Canada’s new Foreign Influence Transparency and Accountability Act

22 août 2024 | Daniel Szeto, Mahnoor Khalid

Impact Social

In an era of heightened scrutiny concerning foreign interference in domestic affairs, Canada has taken steps similar to those taken by the United States, Australia, and most recently, the United Kingdom, to achieve greater transparency. Bill C-70, which proposes to […]


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Promoting public media as a charitable purpose

22 août 2024 | Troy McEachren

Impact Social

A Landmark Decision for Charitable Status The New Zealand Court of Appeal’s decision in Better Public Media Trust v. Attorney-General[1]marked a significant milestone in the advancement of charity law in New Zealand and other common law countries, particularly concerning the […]


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Top 10 hiring tips for motor carriers

22 août 2024 | Louis Amato-Gauci, Ellen Kim, Chloe Kyrtsakas

Communiqué Transports et logistique

It is imperative for a motor carrier to maintain its safety fitness certificate(s) in good standing at all times.  Failure to do so could jeopardize its operations. Much of this depends on its ability to hire and retain great drivers, […]


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The application of Tarion and the Home Construction Regulatory Authority for new home construction

20 août 2024 | Andrew Roth, Ana Cvijanovic

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Changes in regulation When a new home is being built, it is no surprise that a significant part of the planning revolves around meeting regulatory and statutory requirements. These requirements cover all elements of home building, and also apply to […]


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Contractual clarity and honest testimony: Food for thought

20 août 2024 | Stuart Chaimberg, Matthew Marriott, Abby Sasitharan

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Clarity in a lease is crucial because it defines the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant from the outset, thereby minimizing the potential for misunderstandings and disputes. When a leasing dispute results in legal proceedings, the court […]


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Powers of Attorney: The status of an attorney’s ability to deal with the grantor’s beneficiary designations

15 août 2024 | Hillary Linden, TEP, Vanessa Rosteski

Gestion de patrimoine

Powers of attorney are documents that permit a person (the “grantor”) to grant legal standing to another person (the “attorney”), enabling the attorney to deal with the grantor’s property and financial affairs.[1] They are powerful documents and the law in […]


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Competition Bureau launches public consultation and publishes digest on greenwashing provisions

14 août 2024 | Eric Dufour, Devin Persaud, Jaclyne Reive

Droit de la concurrence/antitrust et de l’investissement étranger

Overview On June 20, 2024, the Government of Canada passed Bill C-59, amending certain provisions of the Competition Act (the “Act”). New provisions were added to target greenwashing in an effort to protect consumers from misleading advertisements related to a […]


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