Annual returns due date approaching for Ontario health service providers

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

14 septembre 2020 | Karima Kanani, Meg Berkovitz

Under the Corporations Information Act (Ontario), corporations are required to file an Annual Return with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (the “Ministry”) within six months of the corporation’s financial year end to update the public record. The Annual Return provides an updated slate of Directors and Officers to the Ministry, as well as any changes to the corporation’s name or address.

This Communiqué is a reminder to all health and social service providers with fiscal years ending March 31 that the 2020 Annual Return is due to be filed with the Ministry on or before September 30, 2020.

Miller Thomson has the ability to complete the Annual Return electronically and file it instantaneously. We can obtain a data extract of the current information on record with the Ministry for your review and update. Please contact us if you would like assistance in completing your Annual Return.

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