News Alert: BC government announces Parliamentary Secretary of Community Development and Non-Profits

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

1 décembre 2020 | Sarah Fitzpatrick

On Thursday, November 26, 2020, the new B.C. government announced its cabinet members and parliamentary secretaries. This included the appointment of Niki Sharma as the Parliamentary Secretary – Community Development and Non-Profits. This is the first time charities and non-profit organizations will have a parliamentary secretary in the B.C. government.

Premier John Horgan announced that “The new cabinet members are tasked with continuing the government’s cross-ministry response to the pandemic.” The parliamentary secretary appointment acknowledges the important contribution charities and non-profits have made in the response to the pandemic and will continue to make to our communities. We look forward to seeing how the sector will work with the new B.C. government to expand and improve their services.

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