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What is probate?

28 mai 2020 | Christopher Crisman-Cox

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

Many people are confused by the term “probate”. They likely know it is connected to Wills in some way, but they do not know exactly what it is, and why it is required. In essence, “probate” refers to the process […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (May 27, 2020)

27 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Expansion Income Tax Regulations have been amended to allow additional employers to become eligible for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). These additional employers include registered journalism […]


COVID-19 Mise à jour Services Financiers : Utilisation des sommes données en dépôts au Québec

27 mai 2020 | Julie St-Hilaire, Francis Trifiro, Jean-François Gauvin, Kenneth R. Rosenstein

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

La situation engendrée par la propagation de la COVID-19 affectera de façon significative le flux de trésorerie de nombreuses entreprises en raison d’une baisse des ventes et, par conséquent, des comptes recevables et de l’encaisse. Les mesures gouvernementales adoptées pour […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (May 26, 2020)

26 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Youth Employment and Skills Program in Agriculture Sector Today, an investment of up to $9.2 million was announced to enhance the Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP) and fund up to […]


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Electronic witnessing of Alberta estate planning documents

26 mai 2020 | Jacklynn Pivovar

Gestion de patrimoine

The declaration of states of emergency resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic, public health orders and guidelines for self-isolation and social distancing have affected everyone in Alberta and around the world.  As many people are at home contemplating the global […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (May 25, 2020)

25 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Financial Planning Advice for Small Businesses The Government of Canada will support the launch of a four-week hotline service called the Business Resilience Service. This service will help entrepreneurs and small […]


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The Bureau targets privacy: Facebook Inc. to pay the Competition Bureau a $9M administrative monetary penalty for misleading representations

25 mai 2020 | Kelly Harris, Eugenia (Evie) Bouras

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

On May 19, 2020, the Competition Bureau (“Bureau”) registered a consent agreement with Facebook Inc. (“Facebook”) after investigating Facebook’s privacy claims in respect of its platform and Messenger service. The Bureau found that Facebook’s claims regarding a user’s ability to […]


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Episode 4: Re-opening your business – Key considerations in returning your employees to work

25 mai 2020 | Inna Koldorf, Stephen M. Torscher, Claudia Desjardins Bélisle, Katie Comley

Morning Commute with Miller Thomson

Listen to Episode 4 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. Miller Thomson's Labour & Employment team discusses key takeaways for businesses and organizations preparing the workplace for returning employees.


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COVID-19: Cross country update (May 22, 2020)

22 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Online Tool for Finding Financial Help A web-based benefits finder tool, Find financial help during COVID-19, has been launched on, to help people determine which government benefits programs best meet their […]


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Electronic witnessing of BC estate planning documents

22 mai 2020 | Sandra L. Enticknap, KC, TEP, Sarah Fitzpatrick

Gestion de patrimoine

The BC Government has declared a state of emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, we are encouraged to maintain physical distance from one another. Even when it may be possible to meet and maintain an […]


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Les renseignements affichés sur ce blogue contiennent des points de droit variés fournis uniquement à des fins informatives et non commerciales. Ces renseignements ne constituent pas un avis juridique de la part de l’auteur. Nous mettons en garde les lecteurs de ne pas prendre de décision particulière sans avoir préalablement obtenu l’avis juridique d’un professionnel qualifié. Toute personne qui décide de prendre une décision en s’appuyant sur ces renseignements le fait à ses propres risques.