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Agricultural and food production COVID-19 financial assistance

25 mars 2020 | Heather L. Jones, Stefanie Gladders

Le réseau alimentaire : les agroentreprises canadiennes et le droit en matière d'alimentation

On March 23, 2020 the Canadian federal government announced, as part of its emergency bill to provide funding to Canadians, that $5 billion dollars will be provided to Farm Credit Canada (“FCC”) to increase lending capacity for the agriculture and […]


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Should condominium corporations register liens considering the Order in Council?

25 mars 2020 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

In today’s climate, news from a week ago is considered prehistoric but we thought it necessary to chime in on an important conversation with month-end around the corner. On March 17, 2020, the Government of Ontario suspended all “limitation periods” […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (March 24, 2020)

24 mars 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: The House of Commons reconvened March 24 to adopt the emergency financial support measures outlined by the federal government last week.  However, shortly after proceedings began, the Chamber suspended itself so […]


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Privacy and cybersecurity during COVID-19 – Tips for Canadian organizations

24 mars 2020 | Eliott Cheeseman, David Krebs, Kathryn M. Frelick

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

With the emergence of COVID-19 in Canada, organizations are faced with many additional concerns and considerations in their daily operations and strategic planning. Remote work has become the norm, and the health of employees, customers and suppliers is a key […]


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Privacy and cybersecurity during COVID-19 – Tips for Canadian organizations

24 mars 2020 | Eliott Cheeseman, David Krebs, Kathryn M. Frelick

Communiqué sur la santé

With the emergence of COVID-19 in Canada, organizations are faced with many additional concerns and considerations in their daily operations and strategic planning. Remote work has become the norm, and the health of employees, customers and suppliers is a key […]


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COVID-19 and Business Interruption Claims

24 mars 2020 | Dan Rabinowitz

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Coverage under a typical insurance policy for business interruption is initiated by the insured sustaining a loss caused by “direct physical loss or damage to buildings, equipment or stock”.   Despite the substantial economic damage that COVID-19 continues to cause, the […]


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Coronavirus (COVID-19) insurance policy issues

24 mars 2020 | Mark R. Frederick, Ana Simões, Paul Sahota

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

As a special service to our insurance clients, we present an outline of some typical insurance policy issues that may arise out of a contagion such as the Coronavirus. Throughout the current pandemic, we will be available to advise you […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (March 23, 2020)

23 mars 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau beseeched Canadians to follow public health guidelines and has warned that if they fail to, the government may be forced to implement stiff enforcement measures. The Prime Minister also said there will be: a $5 […]


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Unavoidable Delay – Tarion Statement of Critical Dates and Addendum Q&A COVID-19

23 mars 2020 | Ron Fairbloom, Robert J. Gray, Eric Laxton

Rapport - Droit immobilier

With the rapid spread of COVID-19 across Canada and worldwide, governments and businesses are taking steps to contain the virus and flatten the curve of transmission. As a homebuilder, you might be concerned about meeting your obligations to your purchasers […]


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Charities Return (T3010) filing deadline extended as Charities Directorate suspends operations

23 mars 2020 | David Tang

Impact Social

The Charities Directorate has announced that Canadian registered charities will have until December 31, 2020 to file their annual Registered Charities Information Return (the T3010).  The announcement applies to any registered charity required to file their return between March 18, […]


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