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Municipal Land Transfer Tax to increase for “high value” residential properties in January 2024

28 décembre 2023 | Michael Carli, Mario Concordia, Jaclyn Tarola

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

On September 6, 2023, the City of Toronto approved increased graduated Municipal Land Transfer Tax (the “MLTT”) rates for residential properties valued in excess of $3,000,000.00 to assist with the reduction of Toronto’s budget deficit. There will be additional graduated […]


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Better late than never: The Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act

28 décembre 2023 | Gerald D. Chipeur, KC

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

On December 9, 2023, the Federal Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act, SC 2019, c 29, s 387 (“Act”) came into force. Pursuant to the Act, the Government of Canada must pay all construction contractors within 28 days of invoicing. […]


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Capital Markets & Securities: 2023 Legal Year in Review

22 décembre 2023 | Geoff Clarke, Jonathan Tong, Mack Hosseinian, Andrew Gunpat

Alerte valeurs mobilières

Our Legal Year in Review includes a selection of 18 significant and interesting developments in Canadian securities and capital markets landscape in 2023. The key legal developments that are summarized in this bulletin were important during 2023 and also have […]


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Canada’s Modern Slavery Act: Ho Ho Ho! – a Christmas gift from Public Safety Canada

22 décembre 2023 | Bruno Caron, P. Jason Kroft, Ahmad Adam, Karel Mahy-Rousseau

MT Biosphère MC

On December 20, 2023, Public Safety Canada (“PSC”) published guidance (the “Guidance”) on the application of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chain Act (“Canada’s Modern Slavery Act” or “CMSA”) set to come into force on […]


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CRA releases final guidance on qualifying disbursements: Key highlights

21 décembre 2023 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

On December 19 2023, the Canada Revenue Agency released its final administrative guidance on qualifying disbursements. Guidance Document CG-032 (“Registered charities making grants to non-qualified donees”) first appeared in draft form a little over a year ago, on November 30 […]


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Kraft (Re): Selective disclosure (“tipping”) and revisiting the “necessary course of business” exception

20 décembre 2023 | Geoff Clarke, Amanjot Saral, Wendy Wang, Sandra Wright

Alerte valeurs mobilières

On October 20, 2023, Ontario’s Capital Markets Tribunal (“Tribunal”) released a first-of-its-kind decision considering the application of the “necessary course of business” (“NCOB”) exception to the prohibition against tipping of material non-public information (“MNPI”). The Tribunal found that Michael Paul […]


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A look back at the top 5 trending ESG topics in 2023

19 décembre 2023

MT Biosphère MC

2023 was a busy year for Miller Thomson’s ESG and Carbon Finance Group. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our updates as we strive to keep you informed on the latest developments in the ESG space. To wrap up the year, […]


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Tips for the drafting solicitor: The automatic vesting of real property weighed against the testator’s intention

19 décembre 2023 | Nicole Cianci

Gestion de patrimoine

THE AUTOMATIC VESTING RULE: AN OVERVIEW Pursuant to Section 9(1) of Ontario’s Estate Administration Act[1] (the “EAA”), Real property not disposed of, conveyed to, divided or distributed among the persons beneficially entitled thereto under section 17 by the personal representative […]


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Transport & Logistics latest legal trends and insights series: Part 2

14 décembre 2023 | Alexandre Ajami, Domenic Presta, Hubert Sibre, Zeinab Yousif

Communiqué Transports et logistique

On November 14, 2023, Miller Thomson’s National Transportation & Logistics Group hosted an in-person educational seminar in Toronto, discussing the latest legal trends and insights surrounding the transportation and logistics industry. The event was hosted by Miller Thomson’s Transportation & […]


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Construction estimates and consumer protection legislation

14 décembre 2023 | Emma L. Johnston, Bronwhyn Simmons, Caitlin Smith

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

A recent case from Ontario has established that consumer protection legislation applies to consumer construction contracts in that province. The case, which is discussed below, is not an appellate case and as such is not binding on Alberta courts. However, […]


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Les renseignements affichés sur ce blogue contiennent des points de droit variés fournis uniquement à des fins informatives et non commerciales. Ces renseignements ne constituent pas un avis juridique de la part de l’auteur. Nous mettons en garde les lecteurs de ne pas prendre de décision particulière sans avoir préalablement obtenu l’avis juridique d’un professionnel qualifié. Toute personne qui décide de prendre une décision en s’appuyant sur ces renseignements le fait à ses propres risques.