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Back to Basics: Top ten tips to run a condo board meeting

10 mars 2020 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

Board meetings often have much to address within time constraints and all Board members play a key role in maintaining focus on efficiencies and productivity. With this in mind, we have created our top ten tips for running a Board […]


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Applying the reasonableness standard to Indigenous consultation requirements

9 mars 2020 | Megan Young

Alerte environnement

Assessing the implications of Coldwater v. Trans Mountain on major resource project approvals in Canada On February 4, 2020, the Federal Court of Appeal released its decision in Coldwater v. Trans Mountain, 2020 FCA 34 (“Coldwater”), considering legal challenges to […]


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Occupier’s liability and relationships – troubling times

6 mars 2020 | David LeDrew

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

In Nolet v. Fischer, 2020 ONCA 155, the Ontario Court of Appeal weighed in on a relatively novel occupiers’ liability issue and may have created a new avenue for people to sue their former significant others. In this case, David […]


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Recap: lien modernization provisions under the Construction Act – practical tips

5 mars 2020 | Elyse Calvi, Richard MacGregor

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

It has been almost two years since the first wave of changes to Ontario’s Construction Lien Act (now called the Construction Act) (the “Act”) came into force and modernized the province’s lien and holdback rules. As the dust settles and […]


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Updates to trust provisions of Construction Act

5 mars 2020 | Elyse Calvi, Richard MacGregor

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Part II of the Construction Act (“Act”) sets out statutory rights, in addition to lien rights, with respect to the financing and use of project funds in the construction pyramid.  Specifically, subsection 7(1) prescribes an “owner’s trust,” and subsection 8(1) […]


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Negotiating terms beyond standard forms

4 mars 2020 | Karen L. Weslowski, Stefanie Gladders

Blogue : Droit des assurances

A recent decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court (Surespan Structures Ltd. v. Lloyds Underwriters, 2020 BCSC 27) confirms that when insurance companies negotiate the terms of a policy beyond their standard forms or precedents, they must beware of failing to […]


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CRA further circumscribes trust 21-year planning strategies involving non-resident beneficiaries

3 mars 2020 | Stephen Sweeney, TEP

Gestion de patrimoine

Subsection 107(2) of the Income Tax Act[1] generally provides for a tax-deferred rollout of capital property held by the trustees of a Canadian-resident personal trust to their capital beneficiaries in satisfaction of their capital interests in the trust. This rollover […]


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Saskatchewan’s Court of Appeal confirms award of entire quarter-million dollar estate for teenage children under the Saskatchewan Dependants’ Relief Act

3 mars 2020 | Jonathan Martin

Gestion de patrimoine

In Lutz Estate v Lutz, 2020 SKCA 14, the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan confirmed that under certain circumstances, “reasonable provision” under the Saskatchewan Dependants’ Relief Act (“DRA”) may require the entire estate being used towards the support of dependant […]


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Executor releases: the parameters on what is possible

3 mars 2020 | Gwenyth Stadig

Gestion de patrimoine

Introductory comments about executor releases Is it appropriate for an executor to ask beneficiaries to sign a release and indemnity prior to receiving a distribution from an estate? Although non-indemnified executors may face potential personal liability for their work as […]


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Advisory Committee on Open Banking provides update on consumer-directed finance in Canada

3 mars 2020 | Myron A. Mallia-Dare, Paul Sahota

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

Overview On January 31, 2020, the Advisory Committee on Open Banking[1] (the « Committee« ) released a report on « Consumer-directed finance: the future of financial services » (the « Report« ). The Report was in connection with the Committee’s consultation process and recommends the development […]


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