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Can You Restrict Rentals: A Case Study

7 novembre 2019 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

The current consensus of most Canadian jurisdictions is that while condominiums may place restrictions on the rental of units, such as a minimum lease term, any attempt to completely restrict or place caps on the amount of units that can […]


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Substantial Performance – What You Need to Know

5 novembre 2019 | Matthew Irish

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Under the Ontario Construction Lien Act[1] (the “Act”), a contract is considered substantially performed when the improvement, or a substantial part thereof, is ready for use, or is being used for the intended purposes, and when the improvement is capable […]


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Holdback – What You Need To Know

5 novembre 2019 | Michael Farace

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Under the Construction Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.30 (“Act”), holdback obligations are created pursuant to Section 22 that provides that the owner is required to hold back 10% of the contract price from the contractor as well as the amount […]


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New Procedure for Hearing Summary Judgement Applications in Saskatchewan: Court of Queen’s Bench issues new Practice Directive, effective November 1

31 octobre 2019 | Brady Knight

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

The process of hearing applications for summary judgment in Saskatchewan is changing. Effective November 1, 2019, General Application Practice Directive #9 will apply to both civil and family summary judgment applications, as well as all originating applications for judicial review. […]


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“Material Change” in Condominium Developments: A Recent Court of Appeal Decision

29 octobre 2019 | Eric Laxton

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Back in April, we looked at a Court of Appeal decision addressing disclosure to purchasers of proposed units in condominium developments.  It was a cautionary tale for the risk associated with inconsistent or confusing disclosure or omitting to disclose where […]


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Back to Basics: How to Enforce Compliance with the Condo Corporation’s Governing Documents?

24 octobre 2019 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

Section 119 of Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”) requires the condo corporation and any director, officer, employee, owner and occupier of a unit to comply with the Act, and the condo corporation’s declaration, by-laws and rules.  An owner of […]


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Penalty Creep: What is going on with Environmental Fines Across Canada?

8 octobre 2019 | Aaron Atcheson, Bryan Smits, Danielle Parry

Alerte environnement

In July of this year, a fine of $2.7 million was levied against Kirby Offshore Marine Operating LLC following its guilty plea for violations of the Fisheries Act involving a spill of diesel fuel and lubricants near Edge Reef in […]


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In Shuttleworth v Ontario, the Court of Appeal Confirms that Adjudicative Independence must Exist and Appear to Exist in Administrative Tribunals

4 octobre 2019 | Lisa Spiegel, Lauren Parrish

Communiqué sur la santé

Ontario legislation has created a number of tribunals to adjudicate matters in the health industry sector, including regulated health professional disciplinary committees, the Consent and Capacity Board, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, the Health Services Appeal and Review […]


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Best Practices for Membership Associations

12 septembre 2019 | Andrew Valentine

Impact Social

There are many types of member-based organizations. These include trade and industry associations, community associations, lobbying groups, as well as non-profit social and athletic clubs. While they have many differences, common to each of these entities is a broad membership […]


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Environmental Law and Construction Projects: Why Should You Care?

10 septembre 2019 | Bryan J. Buttigieg, Nahla Khouri

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

The scope of environmental regulation is broad and ever growing. One Ontario Court of Appeal judge famously asked in the midst of a case whether “MOE” stood for “Ministry of Everything?” It should not be surprising, therefore, that environmental law […]


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