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Recognizing and Understanding Undue Influence in Estate Planning

7 août 2018 | Matt Trotta

Gestion de patrimoine

Undue influence is a troubling issue in estate planning as it is not always apparent to even the most experienced of lawyers when taking instructions from clients. The circumstances of influence are frequently not disclosed by a client, and the […]


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Canadian Income Tax on US Charities

31 juillet 2018 | Robert B. Hayhoe

Impact Social

How does a US charity make sure that it does not pay Canadian tax?  By applying for an exemption letter from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In Canada, only a charity that is a Canadian registered charity is exempt generally […]


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Implicit Waiver of Privilege

20 juillet 2018 | Imran Ahmad, Katherine Barbacki

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

Overview Solicitor-client privilege and litigation privilege are a fundamental component of our justice system. Solicitor-client privilege is intended to provide “full, free and frank communication between those who need legal advice and those who are best able to provide it,” […]


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Who is My Neighbour? SCC Rules on Foreseeability and the Duty of Care in Tort Law

3 juillet 2018 | Philip A. Carson, Steve Rehak

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

In Canadian tort law, a duty of care requires a relationship of sufficient proximity.  That relationship is informed by the foreseeability of an adverse consequence of one’s actions, subject to policy reasons that a duty of care should not be […]


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School Boards Can Transfer a Student for Safety Reasons

28 juin 2018 | Baktash Waseil

Bulletin matinal de droit de l’éducation

Recently, in K.W. v Toronto Catholic District School Board, 2018 ONSC 2794, the Divisional Court confirmed that school boards have the authority to impose an administrative transfer on a student to preserve the safety and well-being of other students. By […]


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Missing Pension Plan Members and Unclaimed Balances

27 juin 2018 | Kim Ozubko

Blogue matinal : Régimes de retraite

Missing or unlocatable pension plan members and unclaimed balances under registered pension plans are a significant challenge for plan administrators. On June 21, 2018, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (“CAPSA”) published draft “Guideline #9: Searching for Un-locatable Members […]


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Surviving Spouse Granted Extension of Time to Decide Whether to Make Spousal Election

27 juin 2018 | Jennifer A. N. Corak

Gestion de patrimoine

In Ontario, after the death of a married spouse, the surviving spouse has a choice to make.  He or she must decide within six months of the death of the spouse whether he or she wishes (1) to inherit pursuant […]


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Clarifying the “Trilogy” and the Covenant to Insure: Royal Host GP Inc. v. 1842259 Ontario Ltd.

22 juin 2018 | Karen L. Weslowski

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Introduction In Royal Host GP Inc. v. 1842259 Ontario Ltd., 2018 ONCA 467, the Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the motion judge’s decision, clarified what is known as the “Trilogy” and allowed a landlord to advance a subrogated action against […]


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Supreme Court of Canada Upholds Decision to Deny Accreditation to Trinity Western University Law School

21 juin 2018 | Andrew Valentine

Impact Social

On June 15, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada released its much-anticipated decisions in Trinity Western University v. Law Society of Upper Canada (2018 SCC 33) and Law Society of British Columbia v. Trinity Western University (2018 SCC 32).  The […]


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Alberta: New Pension Rights for Common-law Spouses

14 juin 2018 | Kim Ozubko

Blogue matinal : Régimes de retraite

As a result of a recent decision of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, common-law spouses in Alberta now (finally) have the right to divide pension benefits on relationship breakdown. In this blog post, we discuss the change in pension […]


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