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Les délais dans un dossier de faillite : en conformité ou pas avec le droit civil?

1 septembre 2016 | Stéphane Hébert

L'À-Propos Juridique - Réalisation des sûretés, insolvabilité et réorganisations

Les délais sont d’une importance primordiale dans le cadre de procédures judiciaires. Le défaut de les respecter peut impliquer le rejet d’une action. Dans l’affaire 9190-0753 Québec Inc. (Syndic de), 2016 QCCS 1983 (29-04-2016), le juge Stephen W. Hamilton a […]


L’institution d’un recours en justice après la fin des travaux : trois ans, top chronos !

26 août 2016 | Marie-Catherine Ayotte

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Journal Constructo – 26 août 2016 Pour tout donneur d’ouvrage, entrepreneur ou sous-entrepreneur, la détermination du moment où les travaux d’un contrat ont pris fin est une question primordiale et déterminante puisqu’elle a une incidence directe sur le sort de […]


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Taking Security on Personal Property: A Glimpse Into Secured Lending in Canada

15 août 2016 | Eve Tessier, Elleni Tsatoumas

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

In recent years, cross-border transactions have increased in popularity and many of these transactions involve taking security over tangible and intangible personal property. As a result, it is now customary for financial services lawyers to be called upon by clients […]


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Zeligs v. Janes: Severing Joint Tenancy

2 août 2016 | Dwight D. Dee, TEP

Gestion de patrimoine

Joint tenancy is a common form of ownership for family holdings and is often used for estate planning purposes. The main benefit of a joint tenancy is the right of survivorship which provides that when one joint tenant dies, his […]


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B.C. Court of Appeal Restores Highest Ever Human Rights Damages Award: Kelly v. University of British Columbia (No. 4), 2013 BCHRT 302 (CanLII)

22 juillet 2016 | Nicole Byres, QC

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In early 2014, we reported on a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal decision in which Carl Kelly was awarded $75,000 in damages for injury to dignity, feelings, and self-respect.  This award was and remains the highest amount ever awarded in Canada […]


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Case Commentary: Gitxaala Nation v. Canada, 2016 FCA 187

14 juillet 2016 | Robin A. Dean

Nouvelles - droit autochtone

Introduction The Northern Gateway Pipeline Project, which has been in the works since 2005, received a major setback on June 23 with the federal court of appeal’s judgment in Gitxaala Nation v. Canada. The court quashed Canada’s approval of the […]


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Things You May Not Know About the Farm Debt Mediation Act

7 juillet 2016 | David G. Gerecke, Q.C.

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

Most or all creditors who lend to farmers will be familiar with the Farm Debt Mediation Act, S.C. 1997, c. 21 (the “FDMA”) and the need to serve a notice under the FDMA before taking action against a farmer.  However, […]


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A Defendant By Any Other Name: Of Limitation Periods, John Doe, and Misnomer

7 juillet 2016 | Eric A.F. Grigg

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Having read the reasons for decision in Stechyshyn v. Domljanovic, 2015 ONCA 889 you would be forgiven for wondering whether the panel of the Court of Appeal had taken in a showing of Romeo and Juliet during their deliberations. The […]


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An In-depth Look at Nova Scotia’s New Community Interest Companies

6 juillet 2016 | Natasha Smith

Impact Social

Earlier this month, Nova Scotia announced the coming into force of the long awaited Community Interest Companies Act (“CICA”).  This new law allows new and existing businesses incorporated under the Companies Act (Nova Scotia) (“CA”) to apply for designation as […]


Les pénalités pour retard sont-elles abusives ?

1 juillet 2016 | Yannick Forget

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Journal Constructo – 12 juillet 2016 Récemment, la Cour supérieure a eu à se prononcer sur cette question dans l’affaire Excavation Gilbert Théorêt inc. c. Montréal (Ville de), 2016 QCCS 2325.  Dans cette affaire, Excavation Gilbert Théorêt inc. (ci-après « Théorêt ») […]


Affichage de 1511-1520 of 1688

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