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Vente à tempérament ou consignation ? La distincton est importante notamment en regard de l’opposabilité en l’absence de publication (Cour d’appel)

23 août 2011

L'À-Propos Juridique - Réalisation des sûretés, insolvabilité et réorganisations

Vente ou consignation, transfert immédiat du titre sur les biens impayés ou simple détention par l’acheteur éventuel au nom d’autrui? Ces questions sont à la base d’un conflit entre une débitrice, la Fédération des producteurs acéricoles du Québec (la Fédération) […]


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Insurer Must Defend G2 Licensed Drunk Driver

29 juin 2011

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Today’s Ontario Reports contained an interesting duty to defend decision from February 2011. In Tut v. RBC Insurance, the applicant sought a declaration that the respondent RBC Insurance owed them a duty to defend the allegations of negligence made against […]


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Cross-Border and International Tax: New Canadian Compliance Requirements for Non-Residents of Canada

7 juin 2011

Bulletin fiscal

Non-residents of Canada that are eligible for benefits under a tax treaty entered into between Canada and another country will now have to complete a declaration or provide equivalent information to avail themselves of any reduced rate of tax or […]


Les limites de l’obligation de prendre fait et cause d’autrui malgré ce qui est stipulé au contrat

1 juin 2011 | Antonio Iacovelli

À-Propos Juridique Construction

La majorité des contrats conclus dans des contextes d’appel d’offres se qualifient comme étant des contrats d’adhésion. Le fait qu’un contrat soit qualifié de contrat « d’adhésion » emporte diverses conséquences, dont celle de permettre une interprétation en faveur de l’adhérant et […]


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When Do Naming Rights Constitute an Advantage?

31 mai 2011 | Andrew Valentine

Impact Social

Where a donor makes a significant gift to a charity, it is not uncommon for the donor to request, or the charity to offer, naming privileges in connection with the gift. This often consists of naming a building, or portion […]


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Refusing Membership

31 mai 2011 | Amanda J. Stacey

Impact Social

The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Re London Humane Society serves as a useful reminder to charities, not-for-profits, and their directors about the rules and considerations applicable to a decision to change membership policies and […]


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For Whom Are We In Law Responsible?

2 mai 2011

Baux à la une

The phrase “and those for whom the landlord/tenant are in law responsible” is often used in commercial leases.  One would think that this responsibility includes employees, guests, invitees and agents.  Does it include a third party contractor?  A recent decision […]


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Public Transit Motor Vehicle Accidents about to Become Non-Accidents

2 mai 2011

Blogue : Droit des assurances

UPDATE — Bill 173 received Royal Assent on May 12, 2011. Accordingly, these important changes to the Insurance Act are now in effect. On March 29, 2011, the Ontario Legislature unveiled its pre-election budget, in Bill 173, otherwise known as the […]


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Major Asset Transfers Between Charities: Corporate Law Considerations

25 avril 2011

Impact Social

From time to time registered charities may find themselves in situations, often driven by economic considerations, where they are considering whether to cease carrying on certain elements of their operations. While a straightforward wind-down may be possible in some circumstances, […]


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Court Finds Coverage under OPCF 44R

21 avril 2011

Blogue : Droit des assurances

This week’s Ontario Reports contained an interesting coverage decision involving Ontario’s Family Protection Endorsement and claims against the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. In Graham v. Superintendent of Financial Services Commission of Ontario (2010 ONSC 7129), Christine Graham was riding her bicycle […]


Affichage de 1661-1670 of 1688

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