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The Crown Duty to Disclose in Criminal Proceedings: R v McNeill

1 juin 2010 | Bryan J. Buttigieg

Bulletin droit criminel et réglementation

In the year that has passed since the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R v Neill, the extent of the impact of decision on the Crown obligation to disclose has become clearer. Crowns, defence lawyers, witnesses and accused have […]


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Tercon Contractors v. B.C.: It’s Only A Matter Of Time!

1 juin 2010 | William (Bill) M. Pigott

Bulletin droit de la construction et infrastructures

We shouldn’t be surprised that the Supreme Court of Canada – in Tercon Contractors Ltd. v. BC – should confirm that Contract A is a real contract, meaning that the parties can pursue their legitimate goals in their contracts which include […]


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The Land Use Licence – A Right Without an Interest (And Why That Matters)

10 mai 2010 | John A. Cross, KC

Rapport immobilier

Just what is a land use « licence » anyway? The current edition of a Canadian leasing law textbook defines a licence as the granting of permission to another party to do something which they could not otherwise do without trespassing on […]


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Alberta Exempts Registered Savings Plans from Seizure

21 mars 2010 | Wendi P. Crowe

Gestion de patrimoine

Jonathan Ablett, Articling Student Miller Thomson Edmonton One more province has joined the ranks of extending creditor protection to registered savings plans.  Alberta’s Civil Enforcement Amendment Act came into force on October 1, 2009 (the “Act”).  It applies to […]


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Valuation of Control Shares

21 mars 2010

Gestion de patrimoine

“Control shares” of a private corporation that carry voting rights but are not entitled to receive dividends, or to receive more than a nominal amount on liquidation of the corporation, play an important role in many estate plans.  Control shares […]


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Canada’s First Criminal Conviction for Illegal Insider Trading

21 mars 2010

Alerte valeurs mobilières

Canada’s first criminal conviction for illegal insider trading occurred on November 6, 2009, when Justice Robert Bigelow of the Ontario Court of Justice accepted a guilty plea from Stan Grmovsek. Sentencing was delayed until January 7, 2010 to facilitate the […]


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Cross-Border Tax: Canadian Multinationals Allowed to Double-Dip

1 mars 2010

Bulletin fiscal

Historically, Canadian multinationals have generally been entitled to deduct interest incurred in respect of borrowed funds used to invest, directly or indirectly, in foreign affiliates. The deductibility of interest related to the financing of foreign affiliates combined with the favourable […]


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Security &amp Concierge Outsourcing

21 mars 2007 | Audrey M. Loeb

Notice: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/miller/public_html/wp-content/themes/arcs2021-refresh/template-insights-listing.php on line 274


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