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Employee Dismissal & Duty to Accommodate: Case Commentary – Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 c 1641-9749 Quebec Inc.

6 septembre 2023 | Geoff Mason

Communiqué Transports et logistique

The decision to dismiss an employee is one that no employer likes to make. In many circumstances, though, it’s a decision that employers may feel compelled to make, particularly when serious employee misconduct or safety violations are involved. Employers in […]


Travaux connexes ou nécessité de détenir une sous-catégorie de licence particulière?

6 septembre 2023 | Tania L. Pinheiro, Alexandre Lebeau

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Sommaire Le 15 juin 2023, la Cour supérieure du Québec rendait jugement dans l’affaire 9099-3593 Québec inc. (Inter-Projet) c. Ville de Saguenay[1] portant sur un litige entourant l’adjudication d’un contrat pour la reconstruction d’un mur de soutènement. Selon Inter-Projet, classé deuxième plus […]


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Joinder of trust and lien claims: Can it be done?

31 août 2023 | Sabrina Garieri, Lori Goldberg

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

In the recently released decision of Devlan Construction Ltd v SRK Woodworking Inc., 2023 ONSC 3035, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) determined that parties are not permitted to join a breach of trust claim with a lien […]


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Interim and non-binding: How much weight (if any) will a Court give an adjudicator’s decision on a motion for the return of posted security in a lien claim?

31 août 2023 | Tina Kaye, Mitchell Lightowler

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

The prompt payment and adjudication provisions under the Construction Act (the “Act”)[1] have been in effect since October 1, 2019. Since then, Courts have had to grapple with the existence of a parallel regime for the resolution of construction disputes. […]


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The Alberta construction trust: A remedy on projects that cannot be liened?

30 août 2023 | Emma L. Johnston, Jordon W. Magico

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

Introduction and overview The Alberta Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act,[1] and its predecessor Builders’ Lien Act[2] primarily create a scheme in which a lien may be registered against title to any lands improved by the lien claimants work. Doing […]


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Point-of-sale financing and buy-now-pay-later plans: A regulatory overview

30 août 2023 | P. Jason Kroft, Ahmad Adam, Mark Sandor

Communiqué sur le financement structuré et la titrisation

Developments in technology and the financial services industry have, in recent years, promoted drastic shifts in consumer behaviors. These changes were especially visible throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, during which retail e-commerce sales reached record levels. Accompanying this shift in consumer […]


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British Columbia Supreme Court emphasizes the importance of contextual assessment when assessing privacy risks associated with information access requests

29 août 2023 | David Krebs, Baljinder Bains, Vanessa Rosteski

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

Introduction In Airbnb Ireland UC v Vancouver (City), 2023 BCSC 1137, the British Columbia Supreme Court (the “Court”) highlighted the privacy implications for companies and other parties who provide information to public bodies. Airbnb Ireland UC (“Airbnb”) applied for judicial […]


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Forcing a challenging condominium owner to sell their unit is no easy feat – manage your expectations!

29 août 2023 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

Condo living is communal living, which can present challenges when a resident simply cannot conduct themselves in a manner that does not disturb or threaten others. Condo corporations, boards, managers and other residents often find it difficult to deal with […]


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Private foundations and big life changes: What happens at divorce, disability, and death?

29 août 2023 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

For my high net worth clients, setting up a private foundation is an exciting process. During that process, few immediately think of unpleasant matters like divorce, disability or death—seismic life changes that could derail a family’s philanthropic goals. But what […]


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Preparing by-laws under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010: Where to start

29 août 2023 | Caitlin Lee

Impact Social

On October 19, 2021, a new chapter for Ontario’s charities and not-for-profit corporations began when the long-awaited Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (the “ONCA”) came into force. We discussed the ONCA generally in our previous newsletter. The ONCA now applies […]


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