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Powers of Attorney for the Ontario business owner

21 mai 2024 | Sarah Hallman-Krul, Elizabeth Gaudet

Gestion de patrimoine

A business owner’s Will is often the focus of an estate planning discussion. As part of your estate planning you can, and should, consider what will happen regarding the management of your business and its assets when you die. However, […]


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The danger of bad faith complaints to CRA Charities Directorate

17 mai 2024 | Robert B. Hayhoe

Impact Social

On April 30, CRA Charities Directorate sent out a « What’s new » email to its mailing list that included a discussion of « Reporting suspected non-compliance by registered charities ».  While we do not recommend or support non-compliance with a charity’s tax obligations, we […]


Dons et cryptomonnaie : trucs et astuces pour les organismes de bienfaisance

17 mai 2024 | Emmanuelle Laliberté

Impact Social

Avec l’explosion de la popularité de la cryptomonnaie, certains organismes de bienfaisance voient en cet actif une nouvelle stratégie de collecte de fonds leur permettant de toucher un plus grand nombre de donateurs, et avec raison. À titre d’exemple, une […]


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Bill 190: Ontario Government proposes further amendments to workplace legislation

15 mai 2024 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Hot on the heels of its March 2024 amendments to workplace laws, last week the Ontario Government announced its intention to implement another round of changes when it introduced the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (“Bill 190”) in the […]


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Don’t get caught “greenwashing”: Navigating environmental trends and marketing in the transportation industry

14 mai 2024 | Jaclyne Reive, Caitlin VanDuzer, Sandra Wright

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Sustainability and Canada’s environmental impact has been emerging as a growing priority for all industries and business across Canada, including the transportation and logistics industry. As a result, there has been an increasing pressure for businesses to become more “environmentally-friendly” […]


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Passing Off: Preventing theft of your business’s identity

14 mai 2024 | Patrick D. Fitzpatrick, D. Josiah Allison

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

Protecting your business’s unique identity is key to building your business’s reputation and ensuring brand recognition. The common law developed the tort of “passing-off” in order to provide businesses with a remedy when one business attempts to steal the identity […]


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Embracing alternative dispute resolution in estate litigation matters: A shift towards collaboration

14 mai 2024 | Jacklynn Pivovar, Annie Redmond

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards collaborative law and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. Whether stemming from a contract or a will, parties increasingly opt for ADR, including mediation, judicial dispute resolution, arbitration, and hybrid methods […]


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“Time is of the Essence” in real estate transactions

9 mai 2024 | Cindy Aulicino, Mario Concordia, Julia Cicconi

Rapport - Droit immobilier

A recent unanimous decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal[1] (“ONCA”) examined the meaning of a “time is of the essence” clause in an agreement of purchase and sale and the right of a non-defaulting party to terminate the agreement […]


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Inclusionary zoning and municipal rental protections

9 mai 2024 | Thomas Sanderson, William Stevenson

Rapport - Droit immobilier

The housing affordability crisis continues to drive policy discussion at all levels of government. Amid new federal funding sources, and the ongoing overhaul of provincial planning legislation, Ontario municipalities are more concerned than ever with housing stock, affordability, and tenant […]


Québec veut réformer l’industrie de la construction : quoi en retenir?

9 mai 2024 | Jérôme Coderre

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Le 1er février 2024, le ministre du Travail, Jean Boulet, a présenté le projet de loi no 51, Loi modernisant l’industrie de la construction. Appelé à réformer, à moderniser et à rendre plus efficace l’industrie de la construction, ce projet de loi […]


Affichage de 21-30 of 1688

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