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The new qualifying disbursements rules: An improvement?

2 mai 2022 | Robert B. Hayhoe, Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

The proposed qualifying disbursements rules have since changed since the publication of this article. Please refer to Miller Thomson LLP’s article, ‘Funding non-qualified donees just got one step easier for Canadian charities’ dated June 6, 2022, which summarizes the latest […]


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Budget 2022: Substantive CCPCs and share transactions involving a non resident or public company

29 avril 2022 | Carolyn S. Inglis, Colleen Ma

Bulletin fiscal

The 2022 Federal Budget was tabled in the House of Commons on April 7, 2022 (« Budget Day« ) by the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. A summary of the personal income tax measures, business income […]


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ONCA Fast Facts: Special resolutions

28 avril 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Communiqué sur la santé

The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (“ONCA”) came into force on October 19, 2021. Not-for-profit corporations incorporated in Ontario will have a three year transition period to make changes to their governing documents to comply with the ONCA. Our ONCA […]


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Multiple will mishap

28 avril 2022 | Honor Lay

Gestion de patrimoine

Introduction A recent decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Gordon v. Gordon et al., 2022 ONSC 550 (« Gordon« ) shines a light on the importance of prudent drafting when undertaking multiple will planning. Multiple wills, when properly drafted, can provide […]


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Giving corporate assets by will

28 avril 2022 | Wendi P. Crowe, Julia S. Amelio

Gestion de patrimoine

One cannot give away what one does not own. This concept is so fundamental that it should go without saying. The same is true for the principle of corporate separateness; that is, a corporation is a distinct legal person from […]


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Top 5 tips to install electric vehicle charging stations on the common elements

19 avril 2022 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

The Government of Canada has set targets for cars and passenger trucks to be zero-emissions by 2035. As the days and years pass, the number of electric vehicles on the road and in condominiums substantially increase. In the event a […]


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Federal Government releases 2022 Budget: Highlights of investments in healthcare

14 avril 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Communiqué sur la santé

On April 7, 2022, the Canadian Federal Government released its 2022 Budget entitled A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable. The Budget includes various supports for the health sector, including responding to the effects of COVID-19, […]


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COVID-19 vaccination policies: Early employer successes in round two

13 avril 2022 | Justin Diggle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

A number of arbitration awards dealing with COVID-19 vaccination policies were released in late 2021 and early 2022.  While most of these policies were upheld, it remained to be seen how COVID-19 vaccination policies would be viewed once governments started […]


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Bill 88—Working for Workers Act, Part 2 passes third reading

13 avril 2022 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On April 7, 2022, Ontario’s Bill 88 (the “Bill”) passed third reading in the Legislature and is anticipated to receive Royal Assent in the coming days. As summarized in our previous communique published when the Bill was first introduced, the […]


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Please start paying or disputing ASAP – Saskatchewan’s prompt payment legislation is in force

12 avril 2022 | Khurrum Awan, Amir Aboguddah

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

On March 1, 2022, Saskatchewan’s new prompt payment legislation came into force. The Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2019 (the “Amending Act”) amends the Builder’s Lien Act and is designed to protect contractors and subcontractors by setting timelines for […]


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