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The Societies Amendment Act, 2021: Time to update your operating system

10 mars 2022 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

Every once in a while, my phone reminds me that it’s time to update its operating system. As I have learned the hard way, ignoring those updates can only cause headaches later. Phones on older operating systems not only miss […]


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Helping the crisis in Ukraine: Be careful making these 4 assumptions

10 mars 2022 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

Canadians are concerned about the ongoing military conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Donors and charities are looking for ways to help – fast. Despite the urge to help quickly, Canadian donors should refresh themselves on the rules of giving […]


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More new requirements on the horizon for Ontario employers

10 mars 2022 | Justin Diggle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On February 24, 2022, the Ontario government announced it would be introducing legislation requiring large employers to “tell their workers if, how and why” they are being monitored electronically.  This was followed by an announcement on February 28, 2022 that […]


Partenariat public-privé : Attention à ne pas fausser l’évaluation du risque de son cocontractant

9 mars 2022 | Camille Beaudry

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Introduction Les partenariats public-privé (« PPP ») sont couramment employés pour la réalisation de projets d’infrastructure. Dans une décision rendue récemment[1], la Cour supérieure a été appelée à déterminer si un donneur d’ouvrage public avait manqué à ses devoirs de […]


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Construction owners take note: Supreme Court will rule on important OHSA issue

9 mars 2022 | Catherine Phelps

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

In Ontario (Labour) v Sudbury (City),[1] the Ontario Court of Appeal recently held that a construction owner may be liable for violations of Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”) on a construction project as an employer. On December […]


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Trends for contractors to consider in preparing bids and tenders

9 mars 2022 | Shannon Sturgeon, Lori Goldberg

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

As Ontario recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction industry is facing an unfamiliar economic landscape. With inflation at a 30-year high, a low labour force participation rate, and significant supply chain delays, contractors must revisit the risk allocation models […]


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Ontario Court of Appeal confirms modern approach to cost awards in estate litigation: McGrath v. Joy

3 mars 2022 | Alexander Swabuk

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

On February 10, 2022, the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “Court”) released its decision in McGrath v. Joy, 2022 ONCA 119. In this case, the applicant challenged the validity of a holograph will written shortly before the testator committed suicide […]


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Bill 37: Prompt Payment slated to come into force on August 29, 2022 (and Regulations!)

2 mars 2022 | Emma L. Johnston, Anna Kosa, Emily Cook-Bielech

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

On February 25, 2022, the Government announced that Bill 37 will come into force on August 29, 2022. Miller Thomson has been closely following the development of Bill 37: The Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act) (“Bill 37”) which first […]


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Zerbin v Vrbanek, 2021 ABCA 317: The Alberta Court kicks back at a contractor taking kickbacks

2 mars 2022 | Bronwhyn Simmons, Ryley Schmidt

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

In the Alberta Court of Appeal decision, Zerbin v Vrbanek, 2021 ABCA 317 (“Zerbin”), and the preceding trial decision (Zerbin v Vrbanek, 2020 ABQB 797), the Alberta Courts assessed damages against a general contractor who was bleeding the owners on […]


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Multiplying the capital gains exemption: WAIT – THEY GET THE MONEY??

1 mars 2022 | Raymond G. Adlington

Gestion de patrimoine

You’re ready to sell your business. Excellent – congratulations on building something worth buying. You’ve had one of those family trust things around for several years. Thanks for following sound tax planning advice. You’re hearing now about multiplying the lifetime […]


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