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Social media screening for job applicants: Human rights and privacy risks Alberta employers should be aware of

22 mars 2024 | Shayla Klein, D. Josiah Allison

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In the digital age, the recruitment landscape has expanded beyond traditional methods, with social media becoming a significant tool for evaluating potential candidates and completing background checks. However, the practice of « creeping » on candidates’ social media profiles during the hiring […]


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Canadian structured finance commentary that happened in Vegas but didn’t stay in Vegas

19 mars 2024 | Shaun Parekh

Communiqué sur le financement structuré et la titrisation

Many of Miller Thomson’s structured finance team members, including myself, Jason Kroft, Ahmad Adam and Margaret Shodeinde, took to the Las Vegas Strip at the end of February. No, it wasn’t to try our hand at the World Series of […]


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Privacy prevails: The Supreme Court of Canada’s landmark decision regarding IP address privacy

19 mars 2024 | David Krebs, Amanda Cutinha, Jayme Millar

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

On March 1, 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in R v Bykovets, finding that IP addresses attract a reasonable expectation of privacy.  Accordingly, corporations should take note that they have no legal obligation to provide the […]


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Officer and director liability for cybersecurity breaches: Canadian implications of the SolarWinds case

19 mars 2024 | David Schnurr, David Krebs, Jayme Millar

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

Facts With the continued prevalence of cybersecurity threats and the many times associated consequences of business interruption, reputational damage, personal data breaches, disclosure of confidential and proprietary information, as well as loss of revenue, it comes as no surprise that […]


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New trust reporting rules: CRA clarifies stance on late penalty relief for bare trusts

19 mars 2024 | Kaitlyn Nelson, Stephen Hsia

Gestion de patrimoine

On March 12, 2024, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) clarified its position on the application of late filing penalties to bare trusts. Bare trusts that fail to meet the filing deadline for the 2023 tax year will only be subject […]


Retenues à la source et travail à distance : Une nouvelle politique administrative

14 mars 2024 | Stéphanie Pépin

Bulletin fiscal

Un employeur est requis d’établir la province ou le territoire d’emploi de ses employés afin d’effectuer les retenues à la source («RAS») de façon adéquate.  Au cours des dernières années, l’essor marqué du travail à distance à temps plein ou […]


Casser le mythe des actions à valeur nominale : mise en garde aux conseillers fiscaux

14 mars 2024 | Thomas Ghag

Bulletin fiscal

Les actions à valeur nominale sont souvent considérées comme l’un des derniers vestiges des anciennes lois canadiennes sur les sociétés.  Les lois fédérales sur les sociétés actuellement en vigueur et la plupart des lois provinciales en matière de droits des […]


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Compliance and procedures for development near transit projects in Ontario

14 mars 2024 | Justin McLarty, Jesse White, Keshbir Brar

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Navigating development near transit corridor lands can present significant complexities, particularly in light of the regulations established by Ontario’s Building Transit Faster Act, 2020, S.O. 2020, c. 12  (the “Act”). The Act, which is aimed at expediting the completion of […]


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Inspection and testing compliance under the Ontario Fire Code

12 mars 2024 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

All condominiums in Ontario are subject to the Fire Code (the “Fire Code”) under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (“FPPA”). The Fire Code is designed to ensure that all occupied buildings in Ontario have appropriate fire protection equipment, that […]


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Alberta announces new policies for future renewable energy projects

8 mars 2024 | Tyson A. Wagner, Caitlin Smith

Alerte environnement

On August 3, 2023, the Government of Alberta enacted the Generation Approvals Pause Regulation, which prohibited the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) from issuing approvals for renewable energy projects between August 3, 2023 and February 29, 2024.[1] The stated purpose of […]


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