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Deception and Dower: Cases of Dower fraud in Alberta and Saskatchewan

9 juin 2021 | Anna Kosa, Stephen Mulrain

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

The forms and procedures required in Alberta’s and Saskatchewan’s provincial “homestead legislation” create dower rights, which act as safeguards to protect spouses who do not own their homes (the non-owning spouse) from having their homes sold without their consent. However, […]


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Budget 2021 – Tax enforcement, audits, and oral interviews

8 juin 2021 | Molly Luu

Bulletin fiscal

Recently, Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, presented the  2021 Budget on behalf of the Government of Canada (“GOC”). Debits and Credits. The cornerstone of any accounting textbook. For the federal government, the debits (spending) have not […]


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Episode 7: Same workforce, different workplaces – Key considerations for adapting to remote work realities

8 juin 2021 | John Batzel, Veronica S. C. Rossos

Morning Commute with Miller Thomson

In this episode, we discuss the new realities for employers in the post-pandemic workplace, including addressing health and safety issues for remote workers.


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Reminder to Ontario employers: Upcoming AODA compliance reporting deadline

7 juin 2021 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Ontario businesses and non-profits should note that the deadline to file an accessibility compliance report is June 30, 2021. All Ontario businesses and non-profit organizations with 20 or more employees are required to file a compliance report with the provincial […]


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Charities and non-profits can now pre-register for free COVID-19 workplace rapid testing

4 juin 2021 | Graham May

Impact Social

According to the Government of Canada, up to 50% of COVID-19 transmission may be through people without symptoms. Regular workplace testing can help keep staff and clients safe. Charities and non-profits can now pre-register to receive free rapid tests for […]


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Investigation of CoreFour Inc. (Edsby) by Privacy Commissioner of Canada

3 juin 2021 | Nadya Tymochenko

Bulletin matinal de droit de l’éducation

On May 20, 2021, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) announced the release of a privacy report reviewing the compliance of CoreFour Inc., which operates an educational software application called Edsby, with the Personal Information Protection and […]


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Reminder regarding tax shelters and gifting arrangements

3 juin 2021 | Maxime Chabot

Impact Social

On May 5, 2021, the Canada Revenue Agency (the « CRA ») circulated a warning for Canadian taxpayers, reminding them to exercise caution when participating in gifting arrangement schemes. The timing of this communication could mean that the tax authorities […]


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Of singular importance: The singular ‘they’ and other gender-neutral writing

3 juin 2021 | Graham May

Impact Social

Language evolves to fit social needs. With growing public demand for gender equality and recognition of diverse gender identities, there is an increasing practical and ethical argument for gender-neutral writing. Gender-neutral writing, which avoids categorizing the subject as either male […]


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Cyberattacks in your supply chain – Canada Post data breach highlights risks

3 juin 2021 | Louis Amato-Gauci, David Krebs

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Over the past twelve months, we have seen more and more clients experiencing a variety of cybersecurity incidents. Most prominently, these have been “business email compromise” incidents as well as malware deployments, such as ransomware attacks. The latter have received […]


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Can condo corporations charge back for legal fees?

3 juin 2021 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

The Condominium Authority Tribunal’s (“CAT” or the “Tribunal”) recent decision in Peel Condominium Corporation No. 96 v. Psofimis (“Psofimis”) should bring relief to condominium corporations across Ontario. In Psofimis, CAT awarded the corporation the legal fees it incurred pursuing enforcement […]


Affichage de 751-760 of 1688

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