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B.C. introduces COVID-19-related paid leave and paid sick leave

13 mai 2021 | M. Ashley Mitchell

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On May 11, 2021, the British Columbia Government introduced legislation to amend the B.C. Employment Standards Act to give employees paid leave in the event they need to be away from work due to COVID-19: Bill 13 – 2021: Employment […]


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Saskatchewan introduces legislation to provide for paid sick leave

13 mai 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

The Saskatchewan Government has introduced legislation, Bill 603, which would amend The Saskatchewan Employment Act to provide for paid sick leave.  If the legislation passes, employees would be entitled to paid sick leave of up to: 10 days in a […]


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Manitoba launches two new leaves in response to COVID-19

13 mai 2021 | Catherine Phelps

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Manitoba recently joined a number of other provinces in implementing paid leave programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 7, 2021, Manitoba’s Premier announced that the province is launching a new Manitoba Pandemic Sick Leave program to fill […]


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COVID-19 paid sick leave program for Nova Scotia

13 mai 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

The Nova Scotia Government has announced a COVID-19 paid sick leave program that will launch on May 26, 2021. Under this program, employees who need to take time off work because of COVID-19 may qualify for up to four paid […]


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Environmental funding in Canada’s 2021 Federal Budget

13 mai 2021 | Graham May

Impact Social

Canada’s 2021 Budget announced funding and initiatives which will have bearing for three areas of the environmental sector: (1) climate change; (2) clean tech; and (3) conservation of land and waters. These new investments will have direct and indirect impacts […]


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Federal Budget 2021: Support for seniors

13 mai 2021 | Brittany Sud, Jordyn Allan

Impact Social

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained our long-term care facilities across the country like never before. As families anxiously await the time when they can once again see their loved ones living in long-term care homes, organizations in the space work […]


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Enforcement of mandatory electronic logging devices for Canadian carriers

13 mai 2021 | Jaclyne Reive, Genesa Olivieri

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Transport Canada has reaffirmed the June 12, 2021 rollout of Canada’s electronic logging device (“ELD”) mandate, but with a “progressive enforcement period” lasting up to 1 year. On June 12, 2019, Transport Canada published amendments to the Commercial Vehicle Drivers […]


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2021 Budget support for affordable housing

13 mai 2021 | Katrina Kairys

Impact Social

This article outlines the proposed funding in Canada’s 2021 Budget for affordable housing initiatives. With market prices skyrocketing while the employment rate plummets, Canada’s housing crisis is deepening amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  The rising housing costs coupled with decreased job […]


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Condo declaration can limit uses of a unit

11 mai 2021 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

A condominium’s declaration can include restrictions on the uses that may be made of a unit. In residential developments, this usually takes the form of “single family use” to prevent short-term rentals. Commercial developments often use declarations to prohibit certain […]


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CIPO announces expedited examination process and other measures to improve Canadian trademark examination timelines

7 mai 2021 | David Schnurr

Alerte Propriété intellectuelle et Technologies de l’information

In an effort to address significant trademark prosecution delays, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) issued two key Practice Notices on May 3, 2021. In the first Practice Notice (Requests for expedited examination), CIPO announced that it will accept requests […]


Affichage de 771-780 of 1688

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