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BCCA confirms economic conditions alone may not establish frustration of contract

27 février 2024 | Armin Sohrevardi

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In Aldergrove Duty Free Shop Ltd. v. MacCallum, the British Columbia Court of Appeal (“BCCA”) dismissed an appeal of the trial judge’s decision that found the defence of frustration was not established on the basis of the Federal Government’s decision […]


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Alberta’s government seeks input on updates to OHS code; Saskatchewan adopted occupation health and safety changes in 2023

27 février 2024 | Jeff N. Grubb, K.C., Ian Wilson

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In a February 20, 2024 news release, the Alberta government expressed an intention to review and update the Occupational Health and Safety Code, Alta Reg 191/2021 (the “OHS Code”), the robust regulation that provides specific technical requirements for the control […]


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Dismissal for want of prosecution: A draconian remedy no longer

27 février 2024 | Cobi Dayan, Michael Gargaro

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

A recent decision from the British Columbia Court of Appeal has considerably altered the test for an application to dismiss an action for want of prosecution. Under the new revised test, applicants will no longer have to demonstrate serious prejudice […]


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Municipal property tax and assessment paraprofessionals – Unpacking of Caruso v The Law Society of Ontario

23 février 2024 | Noah D. Gordon, Mabel Kyei, Tara Piurko, Safa Warsi, Jesse White

Rapport - Droit immobilier

In November 2023, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) released the Caruso v. The Law Society of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 6744 (“Caruso”) decision, which clarified the scope of paraprofessional practice with respect to immigration applications. The court held […]


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Canada’s new modern slavery regime: A summary for the transportation and logistics industry

21 février 2024 | P. Jason Kroft, Jaclyne Reive, Chloe Kyrtsakas

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Modern slavery is increasingly becoming a concern for Canadian businesses with complex supply chains. The International Labour Organization reported that approximately 49.6 million people were in modern slavery in 2021.[1] Australia, the United Kingdom and the State of California are […]


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Cardinal rules of donation receipts

20 février 2024 | Sarah Fitzpatrick

Impact Social

One of the primary advantages of an organization becoming a registered charity is being able to issue official donation receipts. A registered charity can issue an official donation receipt for tax purposes to its donors, who can use the donation […]


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Navigating the future of prospectus delivery: A closer look at Canada’s new Access Model

14 février 2024 | Bruno Caron, Jonathan Tong, Harrison Tepsich

Alerte valeurs mobilières

Introduction In a significant development, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the “CSA”) unveiled final amendments on January 11, 2024, ushering in a transformative era with respect to the procedure used in Canada for delivering (preliminary and final) prospectuses to investors. Called […]


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Protecting the privilege attached to expert reports – When conduct amounts to waiver

13 février 2024 | Sandra L. Hawes, KC, Arsham Gill

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

Introduction and Overview The Alberta Court of King’s Bench decision in Alberta Drywall & Stucco Supply (Calgary) Inc v Alberta Drywall & Stucco Supply Inc, 2023 ABKB 696 [Alberta Drywall] provides clarity on whether the production of an expert report […]


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Ontario Court of Appeal: Bill 124 unconstitutional for employees represented by unions; valid for non-represented employee

13 février 2024 | André R. Nowakowski, Arjun Gandhi

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On November 29, 2022 the Ontario Superior Court of Justice declared that Bill 124 (Ontario’s public sector wage restraint legislation) was unconstitutional, void, and of no effect (discussed in our previous Communiqué). Subsequently, the Ontario Government appealed this court decision. […]


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Status certificates: Providing adequate disclosure

13 février 2024 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

As consumer protection legislation, one of the key safeguards that Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”) provides to prospective purchasers is the ability to request a status certificate. A status certificate lays out the nuts and bolts of the inner […]


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