Séminaires Miller Thomson

Séminaires et conférences à venir, mettant en vedette les avocats et groupes d’expertise de Miller Thomson.

La confiance que nous témoignent nos clients est le socle sur lequel repose toute véritable relation commerciale durable. Miller Thomson nourrit cette confiance de manière proactive grâce aux connaissances et idées nouvelles mises en commun avec le milieu des affaires. Nos conseillers juridiques de tous les secteurs et de tous les domaines d’expertise organisent régulièrement des séminaires et des conférences partout au Canada afin d’y aborder les préoccupations juridiques et commerciales du moment.


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7 Nov 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

A Year Later: Update on the Implementation of the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act (the “PPCA”)

Edmonton, Calgary

The PPCA was implemented on August 29, 2022 and has been in effect for over a year. Join us to for an overview of the impacts of the changes, what is still to come and pitfalls your organization can and […]


24 Oct 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Miller Thomson’s Tax Group Presents: Tax in a Nutshell Series

Vancouver, Montréal

Join our experienced tax lawyers Daniel Kiselbach and Marie-Hélène Tremblay on Tuesday, October 24 for the third session of the series – Property Flipping. The 2023 Federal Budget directly targeted real estate flips and new rules will be applicable as on January 1st, 2024. The […]


12 Oct 2023
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Miller Thomson’s Tax Group Presents: Tax in a Nutshell Series

Vancouver, Montréal

Join our experienced tax lawyers Daniel Kiselbach and Marie-Hélène Tremblay on Thursday, October 12 for the second session of the series – GST/HST/e-commerce. This interactive session will review new federal and provincial sales tax rules adopted across Canada in the […]


5 Oct 2023
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Conférence Annuelle Miller Thomson en droit de la construction 2023

Au programme : législation sur les paiements rapides au Québec, en Alberta et en Ontario, arbitrage commercial en construction, recours devant l’Autorité des marchés publics (AMP), réclamations pour retards, contrats collaboratifs, jurisprudence récente et bien plus ! Cliquez ici pour consulter […]


28 Sep 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Miller Thomson’s Tax Group Presents: Tax in a Nutshell Series

Montréal, Vancouver

Join our experienced tax lawyers Daniel Kiselbach and Marie-Hélène Tremblay on Thursday, September 28 for the first session of the series – Third Party/Derivative Tax Assessments. This interactive session will focus on all types of tax legislation (including section 160 […]


27 Sep 2023
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ESG and the Impact on Your Business – what is all the fuss about?

Toronto, Vaughan

Miller Thomson LLP invites you to join us for an in-depth panel discussion focused around ESG. Our team of legal experts will provide an introduction to ESG as well as navigate through a number of hot topics within the industry. […]


26 Sep 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Current Developments Facing Charities and Non-Profits


Miller Thomson’s Social Impact Group invites you for a discussion of recent developments at CRA affecting registered charities, as well as current issues in the world of remote work. Topics to be covered will include: Current CRA guidance on qualifying […]


21 Sep 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

A Panel Discussion on Greenwashing, Cybersecurity and Indigenous Peoples in Canada


Miller Thomson LLP invites you to join us for an insightful panelists discussion on the best practices on how to avoid Greenwashing Litigation, Why Boards should include Cybersecurity in ESG Reporting and Indigenous Peoples and Rights-Based Climate Change Litigation. A […]


22 Juin 2023
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Proposed Amendments to the Valuation for Duty Regulations


Miller Thomson is pleased to partner with Carson International in our webinar coverage addressing international trade issues and how to best navigate the changes. The Govt. of Canada is proposing amendments to the Valuation for Duty Regulations and the Customs Act. The CBSA […]


Affichage de 11-20 of 146