CRA’s New Audit Initiative Demystified: Compliance Strategies for Cross-Border Motor Carriers

Louis Amato-Gauci, Marie-Hélène Tremblay | Toronto, Montréal

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

As the regulatory landscape evolves, it’s crucial for cross-border motor carriers to stay ahead of compliance challenges. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has introduced a significant shift in its audit approach, particularly concerning tax obligations for services rendered in Canada by non-Canadian drivers and Owner-Operators (O-Os).

In this webinar, Louis Amato-Gauci and Marie-Hélène Tremblay review the intricacies of the CRA’s current view that motor carriers must withhold taxes from the remuneration paid for services provided in Canada by non-Canadian drivers and O-Os, unless certain conditions are met.

Download the summary (PDF) or watch the recording.

Dates de l’événement

6 juin 2024

Lieu de l’événement
