Danielle M. Bouchard

Sociétaire | Edmonton


Portrait de Danielle M. Bouchard
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Exemptions to a tribunal’s authority to determine its own jurisdiction and the scope of arbitration clauses

In the recent case of Orica Canada Inc. v ARVOS GmbH [Orica], the Alberta Court of King’s Bench considered two issues which frequently arise in arbitration disputes: a tribunal’s authority to determine its own jurisdiction, often referred to as the […]


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Selecting and changing the venue of a claim in Alberta

One of the initial decisions a plaintiff must make when deciding to pursue a claim in Alberta is where to commence their action, that is, which judicial centre (i.e., city or town) is the appropriate venue for their claim. This […]


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Kelana Holdings Ltd. v 393510 Alberta Ltd.: Civil contempt standards and implications for enforcement

A recent decision by the Alberta Court of King’s Bench in Kelana Holdings Ltd. v 393510 Alberta Ltd., 2023 ABKB 486 [Kelana],[1] provides clarity for parties looking to exercise their rights of enforcement when a party does not comply with […]


La Cour d’appel de la C.-B. se prononce sur la computation des intérêts lors du dépôt de sommes en fidéicommis en substitution d’une hypothèque légale et la répartition du risque dans un contrat à prix coûtant majoré assorti d’une estimation

Dans la décision récente Highridge Homes Ltd. v. de Boer, 2023 BCCA 74, la Cour d’appel de la Colombie-Britannique (la « Cour ») a accueilli un appel portant sur des intérêts courus, jugeant que les fonds versés en fiducie à titre de garantie […]


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Recognizing and enforcing foreign judgments in Alberta

In our increasingly global community, disputes often do not adhere to traditional jurisdictional boundaries. The same holds true for the enforcement of judgments and orders. Increasingly, parties are looking to other provinces or countries to enforce their judgments. However, in […]


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Door open for rescission of surety bonds despite potential impact to third parties

The recent decision of Urban Mechanical Contracting Ltd. et al v Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., 2022 ONCA 589 (“Urban”) has sent waves through the construction industry. In Urban, the Ontario Court of Appeal refused two applications seeking to overturn a […]


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It’s only money: Pure economic loss and the decision of Rieger v. Plains Midstream Canada ULC, 2022 ABCA 28

On January 31, 2022, the Alberta Court of Appeal (ABCA) issued its decision in Rieger v. Plains Midstream Canada ULC.[1] The ABCA adopted the analysis as set out in the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision, 1688782 Ontario Inc. v. […]


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