Jack Scanlon

Étudiant 2024 | Vancouver


Portrait de Jack Scanlon

( Disponible en anglais seulement )


Jack is currently completing his legal studies at the University of Victoria having previously achieved his Bachelor of Arts, Honours at Queen’s University with a major in Economics.

Throughout his education Jack has been passionate about community involvement. A highlight of his time in law school has been working with Pro Bono Students Canada to deliver legal education to a local school. During his undergrad, Jack was involved in a number of student organizations, with the most memorable being the Queen’s Economics Society.

In his spare time Jack enjoys running, travel, and live music.

Engagement communautaire

  • Pro Bono Students Canada, University of Victoria, 2022-2023
  • Event Manager, University of Victoria Business Law Association, 2022-2023
  • Junior Editor, Appeal Law Review, 2022-2023
  • Logistics Director, Queen’s Economics Society, 2020-2022


    • Juris Doctor Candidate, University of Victoria, anticipated completion 2025
    • Bachelor of Arts, Honours (Economics), Queen’s University, 2022