Jaclyne Reive

Associée | Toronto


Portrait de Jaclyne Reive
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CBSA Interim Turnaround Policy expiring November 2, 2020

Highway carriers engaged in cross-border operations should be aware that the Interim Turnaround Policy (the “Policy”) implemented by the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) will expire as of 11:59pm P.T. on November 2, 2020, as set out in Customs Notice […]


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Ad Standards releases 2019 ad complaints and disputes report

Ad Standards Canada (“Ad Standards”) recently published its report regarding ad complaints and disputes that it received in 2019. This article provides an overview and highlights the trends from 2019. Competitor complaints addressed misleading superiority and ranking claims. On the […]


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How to avoid the pitfalls when buying a trucking business

Trucknews.com blog

The process for buying a trucking company is not identical to the purchase and sale of other types of companies. There are different considerations to be mindful of, and pitfalls that can occur without the proper due diligence. Read the […]


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New safety guidance for commercial vehicle operations during COVID-19

Transport Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and Employment and Social Development Canada have collaborated to produce safety guidance for the further protection of drivers and employees working in commercial vehicle operations during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The document […]


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On the front line: Keeping supply chains moving despite COVID-19

Canada’s supply chains must continue to move across the country and around the world, and our clients in the transportation and logistics industries are on the front line in this endeavour. We salute their efforts, recognizing that they face unprecedented […]


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COVID-19: Exemptions: Hours of services TDG Quebec spring thaw weight restrictions

This bulletin is being written in line with the rapidly changing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to provide a high level overview of the recent developments in order to assist our transportation and logistics clients better understand […]


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Combatting Truck Driver Shortages: Recent Changes to Ontario’s Immigration Legislation

The Ontario government has introduced changes to the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 to include a new immigration stream for transport truck drivers, in which individuals intending to work in this occupation and live in Ontario may now qualify to apply […]


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