Jill has authored and co-authored many articles, publications and blog posts, including:
- “Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act, 2020 passed in Alberta,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson LLP, December 2020
- “Proposed changes to workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety legislation in Alberta,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson LLP, November 2020
- “Bill 32: Alberta’s Proposed Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson LLP, July 2020
- “EY Report on Alberta Health Services,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson LLP, February 3, 2020
- “Deference to Labour Arbitrators: A Tale of Near Cause,” Employment and Labour Law Reporter, LexisNexis Canada, February 2020
- “Deference to Labour Arbitrators: A Tale of Near Cause,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson LLP, December 10, 2019
- “Proposed Changes to Workplace Laws in Alberta,” Labour and Employment Communique, May 29, 2019
- “Bill 2: An Act to Make Alberta Open for Business,” Labour and Employment Communique, Miller Thomson LLP, 2019
- “Suncor Saga Update: Suncor’s Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy will be Sent Back to Arbitration,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson, June 21, 2018
- “Alberta Court of Appeal Upholds Interim Ban on Random Drug and Alcohol Testing by Suncor,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson, March 23, 2018
- “Checking in after Few Months of Living with the Alberta Employment Standards Code Changes,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, Miller Thomson, March 13, 2018
- “Alberta Employers! The Ministry of Labour Needs Your Input,” Canadian Labour and Employment Blog, April 3, 2017
- “Emerging Issues in Labour and Employment: Economic Downturn”, The Barrister, Issue No.119, Spring 2016
- “Employment Law 101: Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants,” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Blog, March 22, 2016
- “Part 1: Changes To Terms Of Employment In An Economic Downturn,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, February 18, 2016
- “Part 2: Update on the Calculation of Reasonable Notice in an Economic Downturn,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, February 18, 2016
- “New Minimum Wage Rate in Alberta to Take Effect on October 1, 2015,” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Blog, September 4, 2015
- “Calculating Reasonable Notice 55 Years after Bardal – Responding to Economic Realities,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, July 31, 2015
- “Maternity and Parental Leave in Alberta,” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Blog, February 2, 2015
- “Are Equity Partners Employees? Mandatory Retirement in Law Firms,” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Blog, September 6, 2012
- “Entitlements of Employees who Resign with an Extended Notice Period,” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Blog, April 3, 2012
- “Privacy in the Workplace–Drug and Alcohol Testing,” Labour and Employment Communiqué, 2012
- “Privacy Rights of Employees’ E-mail,” Charter and Human Rights Litigation, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Federated Press, 2011
- “Christian Horizons: the State Bans Christian Homes,” Charter and Human Rights Litigation, Vol. XV, No. 3, Federated Press, 2008
- “Drug and Alcohol Testing: Consistency with Privacy and Human Rights,” Charter and Human Rights Litigation, Vol. XIV, No. 4, Federated Press, 2008
- “Hate Speech and Free Speech,” Charter and Human Rights Litigation, Vol. XIV, No. 3, Federated Press, 2007
- “Swabs and Cameras: Privacy Issues for Employers Concerning Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace,” Labour and Employment Communiqué – Alberta, 2007
Jill has presented at a number of conferences and seminars, including:
- “Labour and Employment Law 101 Training,” Client Presentation, April 2023
- “Labour and Employment Law 101 Training,” Client Presentation, March 2023
- “Respect in the Workplace Training,” Client Presentation, January 2023
- “Labour and Employment Law 101 Training,” Full Day Client Presentation, November 2022
- “Addressing New Developments in Accommodation: Mental Health Issues,” Employment Law Masterclass Conference, Key Media, November 2022
- “Labour and Employment Update,” Half Day Client Presentation, October 2022
- “Good Governance,” Client Presentation, October 2022
- “Working in an Age of Rage: Strategies to deal with increased alienation, frustration, and anger in the workplace,” Lancaster House’s 40th Annual Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference, June 2022
- “Labour & Employment Series 2022: Drafting of Termination Provisions in Employment Contracts Presentation,” Miller Thomson LLP Associate Training Program, January 2022
- “Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace,” Vital Partners Inc. Webinar, January 2022
- “Labour & Employment Series 2021: Privacy Primer for Labour & Employment Lawyers,” Miller Thomson LLP Associate Training Program, October 2021
- “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace,” Bongarde Media Webinar, September 2021
- “Good Governance,” Client Presentation, September 2021
- “Workplace Privacy Webinar,” Canadian Bar Association, April 2021
- “Workplace Privacy Today and Tomorrow: What’s on the horizon for privacy law?,” Lancaster House Webinar, March 2021
- “Mentoring from a Distance: Strategies for Success,” Miller Thomson LLP Webinar, February 2021
- “Bill 32: Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act,” Alberta Labour and Employment Group Client Webinar, Miller Thomson LLP, October 2020
- “Bill 32: Alberta’s Proposed Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act,” Labour and Employment Group Client Webinar, Miller Thomson LLP, July 2020
- “COVID-19 Pandemic: Business Owners’ Roundtable with Stawowski McGill: Return to Work Q&A’s,” May 2020
- “Navigating COVID-19: Your Employment Questions Answered,” Alberta Administrative Law Group Client Webinar, Miller Thomson LLP, May 2020
- “COVID-19 Pandemic: Business Owners’ Roundtable with Stawowski McGill: HR Q&A’s,” April 2020
- “COVID-19 Pandemic: Hillcrest Financial Roundtable Discussion: Benefits and Employment Law Issues,” April 2020
- “Harassment Panel Presentation,” Labour and Employment Group National Client Services Seminar, 2019
- “Workplace Investigation Training,” Client Presentation, 2019
- “Respectful Workplace Culture,” Client Presentation, 2019
- “Workplace Harassment,” Client Presentations, 2019
- Semi-Annual Employment Law Education Session, Vital Partners, 2018
- “The Broadening Scope of Requests for Personal Information: Assessing the Organizational Impacts, Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers,” Webinar, 2018
- “What All Employers Need to Know,” Miller Thomson Occupational Health and Safety seminar, May 15, 2018
- “Panel Discussion on New Employment Legislation,” Vital Partners, 2018
- “Key Employment Policies,” CPHR Alberta, 2018
- “Panel Discussion on Disability Management,” Vital Partners, 2017
- “Eyes Wide Open: Workplace Surveillance: Privacy Panel,” Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers, 14th Annual Conference, Calgary, 2017
- “Prying Eyes: Privacy Breaches in the Workplace – And What To Do About Them,” 35th Annual Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference, Calgary, 2017
- “HR Exchange Panel,” Vital Partners, Calgary, 2017
- “The Changing Workforce: Legal Issues From Both Tails of The Aging Curve,” HRIA Conference, Edmonton, 2017
- “Privacy Commissioners Perspective on Leading Workplace Privacy Issues,” Canadian Associational Counsel to Employers Webinar, 2017
- “How Age Affects The Employment Relationship,” Miller Thomson Client Webinar, 2016
- “Hot Privacy Topics: Hiring, Health and Hacks: Privacy Panel,” Canadian Associational Counsel to Employers, 13th Annual Conference, Winnipeg, 2016
- “Respectful Workplace Training,” Client Presentation, Alberta, 2016
- “Deconstructing Constructive Dismissal,” HRIA Conference, Calgary, 2016
- “Employment Law 101,” Miller Thomson, Client Presentation, Calgary, 2016
- “Constructive Dismissal, Employment Law Panel,” Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Law Conference, Calgary, 2015
- “Canada Labour Code Update,” Canadian Payroll Association, Calgary, 2015
- “Director’s Duties and Liabilities,” Miller Thomson, Client Presentation, Calgary, 2015
- “Advocacy before Administrative Tribunals,” Federated Press 2nd Adjudication in Alberta Course, 2015
- “L&E Seminar,” Miller Thomson, Client Presentation, Calgary, 2015
- “Legislative Framework in Employment Law,” Federated Press 3rd Mini LL.B. for Aboriginal Leadership Course, Calgary, 2015
- Lorman Education Services Presentation on Employment Related Records in Alberta, 2014
- Lorman Education Services Presentation on Overtime and the Salaried Employee in Calgary, 2014
- Organized Pseudo Legal Commercial Argument Litigants, Miller Thomson, Calgary, 2014
- “Labour Law 101,” Miller Thomson, Edmonton and Calgary, 2014
- “Employment Discharge and Documentation,” Lorman Education Services Presentation, Calgary, 2013
- “Law Procedures relating to Employment Standards, Employment Insurance and Workers Compensation,” Calgary Chinese Community Service Association and Calgary Legal Guidance Presentation, Calgary, 2013
- “Overtime and the Salaried Employee,” Lorman Education Services Presentation, Calgary, 2013
- “Workplace Investigations,” Lorman Education Services Presentation, Calgary, 2013
- “Labour Law Update,” Miller Thomson, Risk Mitigation in the Modern Workplace Seminar, BMO Centre, Calgary, 2012
- “Pastor + People + Protection–What you Need to Know,” Associated Gospel Churches of Canada, 2012
- “Employment Law 101 (Hiring and Termination, Employment Policies, Privacy Law and Human Rights),” Miller Thomson, Client Presentation, 2012
- “Camp Logistics and Workforce Accommodation Forum: Evaluating the Impacts of the Latest Government Guidelines on Work Camps,” CI Energy Group, a division of the Canadian Institute, 2012
- “Recent Developments in Human Rights Law,” Calgary Chamber of Commerce seminar, 2011
- “Freedom of Association in the Labour Relations Context,” Workshop on Substantive Law: Emerging Issues in Constitutional Law, Christian Legal Fellowship National Student Conference, University of Calgary, 2011
- “Employment Law Refresher–Privacy, Human Rights and Accommodation of Disabled Employees,” Calgary Chamber of Commerce presentation, 2010
- “Employment Law 101 (Hiring and Termination, Employment Policies, Privacy Law and Human Rights),” Miller Thomson Client Lunch ‘n Learn, 2010
- “Privacy Issues–Emerging Technologies and Employee Surveillance,” Miller Thomson Seminar, Managing Employment Issues: What’s Ahead for 2010, Calgary, 2010
- “Workplace Privacy and Human Rights in Alberta,” Lorman Education Services Presentation, Calgary, 2009
- “Privacy Concerns in the Employment Context,” Miller Thomson Presentation, From Hot to Not: Managing Employment Relationships in a Slowing Economy, Calgary Chamber of Commerce, 2009
- “Labour and Employment Law Termination Strategies and Issues,” Miller Thomson Presentation Client Lunch ‘n Learn, 2009
- “Legal Framework for Employment Law in Alberta,” Miller Thomson Client Lunch ‘n Learn, 2008