Pluribus Technologies Corp. vend POWR Inc, Assured Software Ltd, Rowanwood Professional Services Limited et Cranham Haig Limited
Conseillers juridiques de Pluribus Technologies Corp.
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Kyla Mahar is a Partner at Miller Thomson LLP and her practice focuses on corporate restructuring and insolvency, distressed acquisitions and enforcement of creditors’ rights. Kyla is ranked in Chambers Canada Legal Guide, and recognized by Chambers and Partners, Canada and Global, Lexpert and Best Lawyers for her practice in Insolvency & Financial Restructuring. Kyla’s practice focuses primarily on leading debtor companies through restructuring proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and on acting for court officers in restructuring and insolvency proceedings. Her experiences span a wide range of industries including manufacturing, cannabis, steel, technology, real estate, mining, maritime, automotive, not-for-profit, media and publishing.
Kyla is a creative thinker. She has developed a particular expertise in leading companies through reorganizations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and also in leading creditor driven restructuring proceedings. She is also experienced in assisting companies restructure and recapitalize under the Canada Business Corporations Act.