Lauren M. Toreson

Associée | Edmonton


Portrait de Lauren M.  Toreson
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Alberta Court of Appeal affirms decision to deny interlocutory injunction on standby letter of credit

In Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction Ltd. (“PAPC”) v Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Ltd, 2024 ABCA 74 (“CGL”) the Alberta Court of Appeal affirmed that the higher “strong prima facie case” standard was the correct standard to apply when considering whether an […]


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The last days of contingent payments: Pay-when-paid clauses and the PPCLA

On August 29, 2022, the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act, RSA 2000, c P-26.4 (the “PPCLA”) came into force. The PPCLA changed the law governing the construction industry in Alberta. One such change was the imposition of mandated timelines […]


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Important clauses in construction contracts – Part 3

In our previous blogs part 1 and part 2 of this series, we highlighted a number of key provisions that should be considered in construction contracts. Below we will touch on three more important clauses that should be considered. These […]


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Important clauses in construction contracts – Part 2

In our last post on construction contracts, we discussed a number of considerations including: Scope of Work, Limitation of Liability Indemnities, Payment Terms and Certainty of Terms. Since that post, COVID-19 impacted the construction industry and we wrote a specific post […]


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Important clauses in construction contracts – Part 1

Construction contracts are crucial to mitigating risks for all parties involved and preventing future disputes. However, there are a number of common pitfalls that can be avoided with prior planning and careful drafting. Some key considerations and clauses that construction […]


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